“Oh, yeah?”
“Wondered if you were free for lunch later.”
Relief washes over me. “Of course.”
“So, what made you stop by this morning. Everything okay?”
My stomach turns to knots; I’m unsure how to start this conversation.
“Whatever it is, you can always tell me.” Her voice is a calming sea of tranquility, and I’m ready to confess my own deepest, darkest secrets.
“It’s about Cammie.”
“What about her?”
I blow out a breath and say the words before I change my mind. “She’s cutting herself, Jade.”
She inhales sharply. “Oh, no. Did you see it?”
I tell her what transpired yesterday.
“Okay, I’ll deal with it without giving your name away. I promise.”
“Thanks. I really think she trusts me, and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that,” I say.
Her smile grows. “You’ve always been someone people can count on. I’m proud of you.”
A lump lodges in my throat, even as I fight to make it go away. Because she wouldn’t be proud if she knew what I’ve become. She’d be terrified.
“Look who’s talking,” I quickly change the subject. “What you’ve accomplished here is amazing. You’re doing so much good.”
Her mouth thins. “It’s what they deserve. To have a place to sleep, to eat. A place that offers them all the resources they can’t get out there.”
“I’m glad you found what makes you happy. It’s important todo things that make us sleep better at night.”
“And what helps you sleep better at night?” Her eyes narrow, as though she’s attempting to dig up everything I so desperately try to hide.
“Oh, you know…”Murder. “A good show, a long drive to clear my head.”
She grins right before her office phone rings.
Quickly, I rise, grateful for the momentary break. “Go get that. I’m gonna go help the girls in the rec room, and then we can get lunch.”
“Perfect. Thank you.” She slants her hand with a smile, waving goodbye while I rush out of there, hoping I’m done being interrogated for today.
After lunch with Jade, I went to class before coming home. Eriu texted a bit ago asking me to go to a bar with her to celebrate my birthday, which isn’t for a couple of days.
I figured, why not? What else would I do on a weekday? Best not to sit around and think about things I shouldn’t. Like what the Midnight Murderer is doing right now. Whether he’s scouting for his newest victim. Maybe he’ll be at the same bar as us.
That puts a grin on my face as I get ready, slipping into a black strappy dress that hits above my knees and matching heels. Shooting off a quick text to Chris, I let him know I’m heading out.
He’s stayed away from me these last few days, barely saying a word, which is fine by me. The less he’s in my business, the better. And the quicker the murderer is found and the traffickers are killed, the faster I can get Chris out of my home. Permanently. This whole sleeping-with-your-bodyguard thing sounds a lot better in books than real life.
Not that we’re sleeping together…
Grabbing my keys, I hop into my car and take it on the road, driving through traffic to get to the city.
This was a terrible idea. No one enjoys driving in the city. But I hate taking the train, being crammed in a small car with people I don’t know. This is safer. I have control when I drive.