“Are you saying we won’t be able to find him?” Dom glares. “Because we will. Even if my brothers and I have to burn this goddamn country to the ground to do it. Everyone associated with the Palermos will die.”
Gio lifts both hands in the air. “Listen, man, you won’t get any arguments from me. But take it easy a bit. You look like you’re gonna pop a vein in that large forehead of yours.”
“Shut up, Gio.” Raph shakes his head. “Excuse my brother. We know how much this means to your family.”
“I’m just fucking with you.” Gio grows serious. “They’ll get what’s coming. We’ll all work together. They won’t be able to hide from us.”
“You don’t know these people.” Dom drops back in the chair, his eyes cast into the distance like he’s remembering the past.
From what I heard, the Bianchis killed a member of his family and did a lot of messed-up shit to them.
“I’ve gotta get back to Chiara.” Dom peers down at the cell in his grasp. “She’s not happy I’m here without her as it is.”
“She could’ve come,” Michael offers. “Faro Bianchi was her father. She could have info.”
“Believe me, I know everything she does. I don’t want her here reliving all the shit she’s been through.”
“I understand.” Michael gives him a long, faraway look. “Elsie is scared. She’s having nightmares again…” His voice drops before he catches himself and his face hardens. “I will not rest until she feels safe. So whatever resources you need, we’re at your full disposal.”
Dom nods. “Same goes for you.”
“Aww, we’re one happy, fucked-up family, aren’t we?” Gio grins.
“Yeah, don’t push it.” Dom and his brothers start for the door. “I’ll be in touch.” He eyes Michael before he heads out.
“I swear he’s grumpier than your ass,” Gio tells Michael.
“I heard that!” Dom’s voice rings over from the foyer before the door bangs shut.
As the men all start out of the room, Michael calls me over.
“How’s everything with Kayla? Is she being a handful?”
“No, sir.” I grin internally. “I’ve got her under control.”
“You report directly to me if she does anything again.”
“Of course.”
He dismisses me with a curt nod.
As I head out, I look at my phone, seeing that Kayla is behaving for once and is actually at school.
I wokeup with a damn migraine this morning. Reliving what Cammie did to herself had me up most of the night.
She told me she’s gonna talk to Doctor Collins about cutting herself, though I don’t know how true that is. Not like I can verify it. I didn’t want to mention the other marks I saw. I didn’t want her to feel cornered. That never helps anyone. But I told myself I couldn’t just do nothing either.
So I do something I really don’t want to do. But in the end, if I don’t and something happens to her, I’ll never be able to live with myself.
Knocking on Jade’s door, I strut inside when she invites me in.
“Kayla! Hey!” She pushes away the stack of papers she was looking at. “I’m so happy you stopped by. I was just thinking of you.”
Please don’t ask me to talk to anymore girls…