Page 138 of Savage Wounds

Shit. I’ve been avoiding him. He’s gonna have questions,especially about the whole my-parents-being-dead thing. But when I was Chris and told Kayla my parents were dead, I wasn’t thinking it would come back to bite me.

My parentsaredead. Both of them. They may as well be. But now, this could fuck me. I have to figure out what the hell to say to him.

Slipping the voice changer into my mouth, I answer the call. “Hello?”

“I’ve been calling for days. Why haven’t you answered?” The tight flare of his quiet rage fills my ears.

“My mother’s hospital has poor reception. I apologize. I’ve been here night and day.”

“Your mother not doing well?”

“She’s not. She’s on her last breath. Any day now.”

“I’m sorry.” He doesn’t sound like he gives a shit. “But we need you back. Things with the traffickers have taken a turn. Dom Cavaleri and his brothers have captured a few who have given up some of the smaller rings around the country, and it’s all hands on deck. I need you here. You’re one of the best I have.”


I thought I had more time. But I can’t lose this fucking job. I need to stay on top of this family.

“I get it. Let me see if one of my brothers can stay with her. Can I let you know tonight?”

“Sure. I’ll be waiting. Take care.” He hangs up, while I try to figure out what the hell to do.

Returning to the computer screen before me, I hit a few buttons, seeing that Kayla is back at the hotel. I have to get out of here. The less she’s alone, the better.

“What the hell do you mean, you’re going to be Chris again?!” She gawks. “You can’t do that! Michael is gonna kill you!”

“No, he won’t.” I grab her hips and fit her on top of my lap where she belongs.

Her eyes are two pillars of rage.

My smirk widens, deepening with her concern. “You worried about me, baby bird?”

“Yes, you idiot! I am! I can’t lose you, do you understand that?” Her brows weave tight. “If you go back, he’ll kill you. Michael is dangerous.”

“Babe, so am I. And did I mention how sexy it is when you worry about me?”

“You know what’s not sexy?” She narrows her gaze. “Your death.”

“Kayla.” I palm her cheek and stroke my thumb over the corner of her mouth. “You think I’d go unprepared? I’m always ready for war.”

“Not much of an army when you’re alone.”

“I don’t need one when I have the kinds of weapons I do.”

She shakes her head. “Why are you so infuriating?”

“I don’t have a choice. I have to go. If he was telling the truth about the traffickers, I want to do everything to help. It’s one thing I agree with the bastard on. But if it’s a trap and they’re trying to get me, then I’ll be ready.”

I grab the back of her head and lower my forehead to hers.

“I have something to live for now,” I whisper. “I have you. And nothing and no one will take me away from you. I swear it.”

“You don’t know that,” she breathes, her lips softly kissing mine. “You’re not invincible.”

“Sometimes with you, it feels like I am.”

“Adriel…” She sighs and smashes her lips to mine, kissing me deeper.