And with a growl, I lift her off the chair and throw her onto the bed. “I need you.”
With her eyes boring into mine, she says, “Then need me.”
And I get lost inside her for hours, wishing we could stay this way forever.
I can’t believehe wants to come back as Chris. It’s the worst idea known to man, but he’s stubborn as hell and changing his mind was impossible. He’s gonna do whatever he wants, and I’ll be there paying for the consequences.
My gut churns at the thought of Michael killing him. He won’t care that they’re brothers. Adriel will be considered the enemy. His deceit alone will make him a target, but when Michael finds out what he did to Fernanda and the bomb he set to Raph’s car, he’ll annihilate him.
It doesn’t matter how many weapons A brings. He’ll be all alone with no one fighting beside him. If I could, I would. Maybe that makes me a horrible friend to Elsie, but he means everything to me. I can’t allow him to die.
Maybe I can talk to Elsie. If she knew everything, she wouldn’t want this either. She wouldn’t want Michael hurt.
Shaking my head in frustration, I enter the lecture hall, finding my seat beside Prince. He grins, inclining his head in greeting.
“Hey. Just the girl I wanted to see.”
“Oh, yeah?” I reach inside my backpack and retrieve my laptop. “Why’s that?”
“Well, me and my friend Tim, the one you met that night, we’re hitting up a bar tonight. A local rock band is playing, and we wanted to invite you girls.”
“You mean you want Eriu there.” I snicker.
“That obvious?”
I laugh. “Yeah. You might as well be blushing.”
“Well, she’s cute. Put in a good word for me, will you?”
“I’ll see what I can do. But just so you know, she has a crazy older sister, so if you hurt her, she will kill you.”
He chuckles.
I give him a deadpan stare. “I’m not kidding.”
His face tightens. “Noted. But still…” He’s back to grinning. “I want a shot. She may be worth dying for.”
I shake my head just as the professor walks in.
“Alright, class,” he calls for attention while I start my laptop.
Prince has no idea who he’s interested in. Dating the youngest daughter of the Mob is definitely not something to be taken lightly. Not that I can warn him. But Iseult would have his balls. I’d be more afraid of her than Eriu’s three older brothers.
Once the lesson begins, I focus on it, trying to put everything else out of mind. Acing all my classes is a priority to me. I want to make the honor roll this semester like the last one, and I know I can. My grades have been exceptional so far, and I won’t allow anything to get in the way of that.
As I type more of what the professor is saying, my cell vibrates in my pocket. I ignore it. Whoever it is can wait. But it goes onagain and again, even as I shut it off with the press of a button.
Frustrated, I remove it when the phone vibrates for the fourth time, and once I see Cammie’s name, my body grows ice cold. Four missed calls. All from her. Something is wrong. She hurt herself. She must’ve.
Gathering my belongings, I start to get up.
“What happened?” Prince asks.
“An emergency. I’ve gotta go. Please take good notes.”