“Adalyn.” Roberta, Darren’s secretary, smiled. “It’s good to see you.”
She got up from her chair and gave me a hug.
“It’s good to see you too, Roberta. Is he in there?” I pointed to Darren’s office.
“He is. Just knock on the door.”
I lightly tapped on the door, and Darren told me to enter.
“Adalyn?” he spoke with a shocked look when he saw me.
“Hi, Darren. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for sending your company plane to fly me back to New York.”
“You’re welcome. You look great. Sit down.” He motioned with his hand.
“I can’t stay. I was just passing by and thought I’d stop in.”
“How’s your mom doing?”
“Much better. Thank you.”
“Since you’re here, I think you should know I took your advice and am in therapy.”
“Good. Good for you.” A small smile crossed my lips.
“I never thought I’d do something like that, but I am, and it’s going well. I’m learning a lot about myself and the issues I didn’t even realize I had. How’s the gallery doing?”
“The gallery is doing really well. Better than I ever expected.”
“I’m happy to hear that. You deserve all the success in the world.”
“Thanks. I better get going.”
I turned, and Darren called my name when I placed my hand on the doorknob.
“I wish you nothing but happiness. I’m just sorry I wasn’t the one who could give that to you.”
“You did for a while, Darren.” I gave him a small smile and walked out of his office.
* * *
Another couple of days had passed. I was in Hannah’s kitchen making some coffee when she walked through the door holding a white square box.
“Good, you’re up.” She smiled. “I went and got us our favorite chocolate chip muffins.”
“Perfect timing. I’m just brewing the coffee.”
“I talked to Mom already. She and Antonio want to take us to dinner tonight at Ascent around seven o’clock. I have a meeting downtown with an investor at five, so I told them we’d meet them there.”
“Why is your meeting so late?” I asked.
“He’s flying in, and that’s the time he set. So, I figured we’d meet at the corner of 7th and West 59th, and we can walk to Ascent together. Sound good?”