“Sure. What time should I meet you there?”

“By the time I meet with the investor and get over to 7th and West 59th in all that traffic, I’d say six forty-five. That gives us plenty of time to get to the restaurant.”

“Okay. After I eat this delicious muffin, I’m heading over to Mom’s.”

“I have a lot of work to do for my new line, so I’ll meet up with you later,” she said.

At six forty-five, I approached the corner of 7th and West 59th and looked around for Hannah. When I didn’t see her, I pulled out my phone and texted her.

“I’m here. Are you on your way?”

“On my way. Just wait for me.”

I stood there and stared at the horse and carriages that lined the street. With a smile, I walked over and ran my hand down the mane of a dark brown horse attached to a white carriage.

“She’s a beauty. Isn’t she?” I heard a familiar voice.

Turning my head, I saw Colin sitting inside the white carriage with a smile.

“Colin? Wh—What are you doing here?” I asked in total shock.

“I was hoping you’d join me for a carriage ride.” The grin on his face widened as he extended his hand.

“Are you serious?”

“Did you think I’d fly to New York and do this alone?”

I placed my hand in his as he helped me into the carriage.

“Are we all set, Mr. Young?” the coachman asked.

“We are, Carter.”

“I don’t know if you know this, but I’m meeting my sister on the corner, and we’re meeting my mother and Antonio for dinner—” I paused. “There is no dinner, is there?”

“No, Addy. Your sister and your mom helped me plan this. I told you before that I would take a carriage ride with you, so here I am.”

“I can’t believe you came to New York.”

“I didn’t want to wait until you got back to talk. There’s so much I need to say to you, and I thought a carriage ride would be the perfect way to do it. But first, I want to give you this.”

Colin reached over, picked up a single red rose, and handed it to me.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“I was one hundred percent in the wrong, and I’m here to apologize and ask for your forgiveness.”


“Let me finish.” He interrupted as he placed his finger on my lips. “What you did for Olivia was completely selfless. I honestly don’t know any other woman who would hire the ex-fiancée of the man she was seeing. I first thought she was up to something because I still don’t trust her. I was afraid her being around every day would cause issues between us. And the last thing I want is to lose you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Adalyn Richards, and when I look at you, all I see is my future with you in it.”

“That’s all I see too.” I smiled as I brought my hand up to Colin’s cheek. “Regardless of who she is and what she’s done, she’s still human. She’s alone, and she’s pregnant. She believes her getting pregnant and Thomas kicking her out is her karma for what she did to you.”

“Well, I do believe that,” Colin spoke.

“Then I think she’s suffered enough. She needed a job, and I helped her. Do you think it was easy for her to come into the gallery and ask me for one?”

“No. I know it wasn’t. We had a long talk after you left Harbor Falls.”