“You were? I was just coming to see you, too.”

I quickly turned Annie around and walked her back across the street.

“Really? What about?” I asked.

“I was going to see if that painting was still available.”

“Which one?” We stepped inside Annie’s shop.

“The one with all the different cakes and desserts on it. I think the artist is?—”

“Wayne Thiebaud. I know exactly which painting you’re talking about. Unfortunately, that one sold, but I can order another one for you. I can have it here in less than a week.”

“Perfect.” She grinned. “Now, why were you coming to see me?”

“I’m having Colin over for dinner tonight, and I wanted your dessert recommendations.”

“You two are the cutest. I just made this triple berry cheesecake, and I know he’ll love it.”

“Sounds delicious. I’ll take one right now.” I smiled.

Annie walked behind the counter and boxed up the cheesecake.

“No charge for you, my friend.”

“Annie, I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. Colin has done so much for me and my business. It’s the least I can do.” She handed me the white box.

“You’re the best. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Don’t forget about the painting,” she said as I opened the door.

“I’m going to order it right now.”

I let out a deep breath as I walked out of Annie’s shop. When I stepped back inside the gallery, I asked Luis to keep Olivia out of sight for the day and explained that I would tell Colin about her tonight.

“You’re playing with fire, Addy. You should probably go to the bar and tell him right now.”

“No. He’s busy. I’ll tell him over dinner tonight.”

It was the middle of the afternoon, and quite a few customers were in the store. Luis thought it would be a good idea to see Olivia's skills at selling art, so he had her help a customer. Just as I finished up with one customer, Colin walked into the gallery, and I froze as Luis and I looked at each other.

“Hey, you,” I nervously spoke. “What are you doing here?”

“I was just down at the hardware store picking something up, and I wanted to see you.”

“You’re going to see me tonight, silly.” I grinned as I took hold of his arm, turned him around, and started walking him back to the door.

“Hey, Colin,” Olivia spoke.

“Olivia. What are you doing here?”

“I work here now. Adalyn was kind enough to give me a job.”

“Is that so?” Colin’s eyes glared at me.

“If you’ll excuse me, I just sold a painting.” Olivia beamed.