"Jenna," Dad says. It's not a question, just a statement, and his voice is soft like it used to be when we would talk on the phone.

"Dad," I say, not sure where this conversation is going.

"I'd like for you to stop by and have a chat. The sooner, the better."

I look over at Josh, who just nods.

"Well, I have to work this afternoon, but I could get ready and come that way in a little while."

"That would be wonderful. I'll have your mom make you some lunch," he says, sounding happy.

We hang up, and I stare at my phone.

"That is not the same man from last week."

"Maybe your brother or, hell, anyone else finally got through to him," Josh says, pulling me in for a hug.

"I hope so because if I go over there and he goes off on me, it will be the last time I accept any communication from him. I can't keep going with this anxiety surrounding him."

"I completely get it. Whatever you want to do, I support you one-hundred percent, sweetheart. And sorry I scared you there. I was just coming in to get that replacement part for the tank that came in yesterday."

"Well, I guess I should go get ready for work, and I can go in early and talk with Austin a bit."

"That's a good idea. You know you can invite her or any of your friends over at any time, right? This is your house, too," he reminds me.

Even though he keeps telling me, I still feel like a guest. Maybe it's because I haven't put my touch on the place, or maybe it's because everything with my parents is up in the air. All my stuff is here. It only took Josh's truck and my car to haul the rest of the stuff from my parents to here. It's mostly still in boxes in the spare bedroom. Or maybe I just need to unpack them.

"I was going to see how you felt about doing a girls’ night. I really want to have one here, like they do in Rock Springs. Then you and the guys could hang out too?"

"I like it. You girls can have the house, and we will take the back patio. Set it up and let me know when." After grabbing the box off the coffee table, he gives me an all too short kiss before heading back out the door.

I go upstairs, get ready, grab my book, and put it in my purse. If I have extra time, I can sit in the back room at the diner and at least get started on it.

The whole way to my parents’ house, my stomach is upset and nerves are jumpy. Trying not to focus on the talk ahead, I crank up my music and focus on it. Though it only helps until I round the corner and see my parents' house. Thankfully, Asher's truck is in the driveway, so he will be there, and I won't be alone. Turning down the music, I pull into the driveway and gather my purse.

But I don't make it even to the porch before the door opens and Asher greets me.

"I'm glad you came," he says, smiling and pulling me in for a hug.

I'm hoping his smile means good things as I follow him to the back of the house to the family room where Mom and Dad are sitting on the couch. They greet me with smiles. So much different than the last time I was here.

I sit on the love seat across from them, and Asher sits in the recliner next to me.

"Thank you for coming. I know things have been rocky, and I wouldn't have blamed you for not even picking up the phone," Dad says.

"I almost didn't. If Josh wasn't there encouraging me to, I probably wouldn't have," I tell him honestly, and he nods.

"Listen, I watched you guys at the rodeo the other day, really watched you. He takes care of you, and the way he looks at you is the way any father would want the man his daughter loves to look at her. I spent many nights wide awake going over everything from the time I met Josh to now. I know him, and while this will take some getting used to, I think I did act a bit harshly. All I thought about is the bad side of it, and I see now that isn't the case here," he says.

"We wanted to talk to you before we talk to Josh. He is coming over later today," Mom says.

"It goes without saying that we really appreciate what he's done for the boys, too, helping them get that ranch," Dad says.

"We just now signed intention paperwork and are moving forward with the bank," Asher says.

"Really? Congrats on that! That’s wonderful!" I say to him.

"Yeah, Willy is packing up and invited us to come stay in the bunkhouse so he can teach us everything. Zach has already put in notice at work, and Finn is on board. I just need to get permission from Willy to tell Mrs. Granger what is going on. He still doesn't want it getting out just yet," Asher continues.