"Ahh, she is the biggest gossip in town. I wouldn't even put in your notice if I were you. I'd just tell her you are moving in with your brothers to save money and then work with Willy at night," I tell him.

"See, I told you that, too," Mom says.

"You're right. You know better than anyone who would spill the beans in town. That damn diner is gossip central. It's probably the whole reason you stay there," Asher chuckles.

"Partly, though, it was more of a reason to get out of the house, too," I say.

There is a pause in the conversation, and I look back at my dad.

"We'd like you and Josh to come back to Sunday dinner. Even though it will take some getting used to, and things might be weird, we are asking for the chance to fix this," Dad says.

"We'd also like for you to come home," Mom says.

I don't answer right away. I'm worried my response will shatter the fragile bridge we are building, but I want to be honest with them, too.

"I think Sunday dinners are a good start, but I won't be moving back home. Josh asked me to move in with him, and I have. It's a step we chose to take in our relationship that was outside of all of this. So, I will be staying there," I say.

There is tension in the air, and my dad's jaw is clenched.

"Does this mean we don't get our Thursday night dinners anymore? Because you are a damn good cook, and if I'm moving in with Zach and Finn, the frozen meals will be all I'm eating," Asher pouts.

I just laugh, "I like our Thursday dinners and would love to keep them up. Whenever you feel comfortable, Mom and Dad, we'd love for you to join us." I extend the invitation, but I have a feeling it won't be accepted for quite a while. Sunday dinners will be hard enough to get through.

"Will you stay for lunch?" Mom asks. I made sandwiches, and we'd love to hear what is new with you."

Looking at my phone, I check the time. I have a couple of hours before I have to go to work.

"Sure, I can stay and have lunch with you."

During lunch, we talk and catch up. It was enjoyable, and they were respectful any time I mentioned Josh.

"Well, it’s been nice, but I need to go to work," I say after we’ve eaten and cleaned up.

Mom and Dad both give me an awkward hug and Asher walks me out to my car.

"I don't know what changed their mind or what you did, but I'm grateful."

"It really was seeing you two at the rodeo. Dad said he's never seen you so happy, and Josh was taking good care of you. Maybe what really swayed Dad was how Josh would look at you like you were the only person there."

Nodding, I let that sit in. Basically, the reality of Josh and I together didn't match up with what was in my dad's head, and he had to come to terms with that.

"Will you be here when Josh talks to Dad?" I ask, wanting Josh to have a friendly face around.

"As much as I can be. But I think that will be more of a man-to-man talk without Mom and me there," he says, hugging me and helping me into the car.

I get to work almost an hour early and find Austin in her office answering emails.

Popping my head into her office, I ask her, "Hey, do you have a minute? I just talked to my parents and also have something to talk to you about.”

"Of course. Sit down and close the door." She gives me her full attention.

I give her the rundown of what just happened at lunch with my parents.

"That's a good thing, right?" she asks hopefully.

"I think so. I guess it depends on how it goes with Josh later. Though I'm hoping he stops in to let me know about the meeting, because I don't know if I can wait until I get home later.”

"Well, I'm so excited for you!" Austin says and jumps up to hug me.