I find her fussing around the kitchen.

"Sweetheart, the food smells amazing," I tell her as I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

She feels so good pressed against me. I lean in and kiss her neck, and she melts into me.

"If we had the time, I'd have you right here on the counter. A few orgasms should help relax you," I tell her as I run my hands down her sides teasing, the hem of her dress.

"Now, I will be thinking of that all night," she moans.

"Good, so will I," I say pressing my hard cock into her to let her know how much I want her.

Cupping her breasts, I’m hoping we can squeeze in a quicky when the doorbell rings.

"Dammit," I groan, wanting more time with her.

Laughing, she turns in my arms and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Tonight, we can reenact this moment. Now cool off, I'll get the door." Then she winks at me, leaving me alone in the kitchen to get myself under control.

I listen as she greets her brothers. When I see the sauce on the stove boiling away, I give it a stir as they join me in the kitchen.

"Hey," I greet them, and they settle on the kitchen island while we talk and finish up dinner prep.

It really is fun catching up with them on how ranch plans are going and Finn's upcoming rodeo. Jenna has been talking about it nonstop, and she is excited to go.

"So, I know this is short notice. But we got Mom and Dad helping us look at a place tomorrow morning. If you two can get into the house then to get your stuff, that would be great. If not, it won't be until next week," Asher says.

"Do you think we can do it?" Jenna asks, looking at me.

"I will make it happen. How much stuff do you have left? Will we need another truck?"

"Based on her books alone, yeah, another truck would be helpful," Finn says with a chuckle.

"I'll ask Dash and Jesse to come help. Better to have a few extra hands, too," I say, thinking out loud.

"Well, enough of that. Let's get the table ready. It's time to eat!" Jenna says.

Everyone chips in, sets the table, gets drinks, and brings the food to the table. It's a hot Texas day, so we are eating inside in the air conditioning. Though I will say it feels a little like Sunday dinners if you don't think about her parents not being here. The conversation flows, her brothers are telling jokes, and we are catching up on the doings during the week. There is ranch talk and talk of Jenna's book and gossip in town.

Looking around the table, I realize this woman has brought me a family. I always felt just outside of her family, but here, having dinner at our house feels different.

"I was talking to a friend of mine, and he is looking to sell his ranch. It isn't on the market yet, but I told him that you guys want to buy one and your story. He doesn't want to sell to the land developers sniffing around here. Since he wants someone to keep running it as a ranch, he's interested in meeting you boys," I tell them.

I hadn't even had a chance to tell Jenna this yet, so it's news even to her.

"What ranch is it?" Asher asks.

"Is it here in town?" Finn asks at the same time.

"Yes, it's here in town. You'd actually butt up to part of my land on the north side. It's the Silver Cattle Ranch. Willy and I are old friends." I answer their questions patiently.

"That's a beautiful ranch, but way out of our price range," Asher says, looking defeated.

"Well, let's go talk to him. It can't hurt to take a look and see what he's thinking. He said he'd make you a good deal just to stick it to the land developers who are always nosing around. And if you need a little help, I'd be willing to go in as an investor, and you buy me out at the same price I buy in when you can," I tell them.

"Why would you do that?" Zach asks.

"Because when you found out about us, you didn't turn your backs on Jenna. You supported her, and you have been a big help to your parents. I'm grateful for you supporting her, and I hope one day, maybe soon, we will be family. It's what family does." I say, but my eyes are locked on Jenna, hoping she gets my meaning.