I am in this for the long haul, and this ends with her being my wife. Right now, I want to give her time to adjust to everything going on. She's just moved in. There is all the tension with her parents, and I don't want to take that step until everything has calmed down. But I do plan on making her my wife.

Jenna's eyes go wide, and she stares back at me. Her beautiful eyes are misty with unshed tears.

Leaning close to her as I can, I give her a kiss on one cheek. "Don't cry, sweetheart. I meant it when I said I was all in."

Jenna takes my hand in hers, and takes a deep breath before turning back to her brothers, who watched the whole thing.

"What do you think? It can't hurt to go see what Willy has to say. And if it's okay, I'd like to go with you," Jenna says.

"Well, it can't hurt to go talk to him," Asher says hesitantly.

"You are always welcome, Jenna," Finn says, and the others agree.

"I will set up a time. When works for you guys?" I ask.

They all agree that any time on Monday or Tuesday works best. After they leave tonight, I make a note to call Willy to set it up.

The rest of the night goes by pretty quickly. There’s lots of laughter, stories, and just talking with them makes for a good time. Once the topic switched to town gossip, Jenna really lit up because she heard the best of it at the diner. While in the kitchen, I clean up, wanting her to have this time with her brothers.

After they leave for the night, she pulls me back toward the kitchen.

"Hmm, I think we have some unfinished business this evening," she says. Then she jumps up on the kitchen counter and winks at me.

I step between her legs, causing her dress to ride up to her hips. Taking a moment to memorize every detail about her, as I always want to remember this moment. The way the light shines in her hair, the way the dress hugs her curves, and the way it feels to have her legs around my hips, is not something I want to forget.

"You are so damn beautiful," I tell her and watch her cheeks fill an attractive shade of pink. "It's true. I don't know what made you fall for an old cowboy like me, but I'm so damn grateful every day for it."

Then I kiss in a way that I hope conveys my love for her. It's soft, gentle, but urgent. She wraps her arms around my neck and tries to pull me in, but I keep it slow. Tonight, I'm in no rush. I want to show her exactly how I feel. When she tries to grind against me, I place my hand on her hips and keep her still.

"I'm not rushing tonight. We have all night, and we are just getting started. Taking it slow," I whisper against the skin of her neck as I lightly drag my lips across her delicate skin, causing it to pebble.

I love how responsive she is to me and how easily I can get her body to react to me. I’m enjoying learning about her body, like how nibbling at the spot at the base of her neck and collarbone causes her to moan every time. She is slightly ticklish on her side, right under her breasts, and a simple foot rub can make her melt and groan in ways that make me so damn hard.

"Hold on baby," I say, wrapping her legs around my waist and picking her up off the counter.

And now, I love the way she holds on to me and trusts me as I carry her upstairs to our room. It's time I reward that trust.

Chapter 24


Today,wearetouringSilver Cattle Ranch. There have been times that I've talked to Willy in the diner, and he's super sweet. I didn't know he was looking to sell it until Josh mentioned it, though.

"Jenna!" He greats me the same way he always does at the diner. "You coming to tour the ranch with your brothers today?" he asks, and then his eyes land on mine and Josh's intertwined hands.

"Oh, or you here with Josh?" He says, raising an eyebrow, but there isn't any judgment in his tone.

"A little of both," I say, not sure what Josh wants to tell him.

"Yeah, we have been dating for a while. A lot has been happening since the last time we talked. Jenna just moved in with me," Josh says with pride.

I love that he is so open about us to the people in his life. It really does make all the difference.

"Good for you, old man. Landing a sweet youngster like that is the dream," Willy says.

Then he turns to me, "If he doesn't treat you right, you let me know. I got some ranch hands that would rough him up a bit on your behalf any day, young lady."

We both laugh as my brothers pull into Willy’s driveway. All three of them are piled into Asher's work truck and it’s humorous seeing these big cowboys come tumbling out.