Page 23 of Dirty Plans

“Should we channel Michael Jackson and sing the rest of that song? Or were you gonna finish that thought?” Anna asks, barely even giving me a sideways glance. However, I catch the smirk on her lips.

“Shit, I don’t know how to say this without all of you freaking out,” I huff.

“I won’t freak out,” Carlie says with a sweet smile.

“That’s because you’re adorable and don’t really know us yet,” I retort, smiling softly.

“Come on already. The suspense iskillingme,” Vivian complains.

I roll my eyes to the ceiling and blurt out, “Do you guys remember me talking about my childhood best friend?”

“Wasn’t his name England or something?” Vivian asks, pulling up her long legs into a crosslegged position on the folding chair. I cringe at the motion because I’d never be able to unpretzel myself if I pulled a move like that.

“This is ahe?” Carlie interjects, her expression the epitome of interest and surprise.

“It’s not like that. He’s a friend,” I counter, albeit too quickly.

“What aboutLondon?” Tasia asks.

“Oh, right… London,” Vivian says, nodding to herself as if she’s the one who remembered.

I nod at Tash. “Yeah. London.”

“Did you just run into him on the street?” Tasia asks, her eyes wide.

“Worse.” I cringe, knowing where these ladies are going to take things now.

Vivian’s eyes widen. “Oh, my god.Oh, my god.You ran into him at Deeds?”

Without voicing it, I just nod.

“That musta been hella awkward,” Anna snickers beside me.

“Oh, you have no idea,” I breathe.

Vivian claps like a school kid who was just told they’re going to get ice cream. “This is going to besoooogood. What happened? Don’t skimp on any details.”

Anna sets her phone down in her lap and turns to me. “Yeah, I’d like to know, too.”

I make a face. “I sorta … I kinda …”

I glance around the room. Everyone’s attention is rapt, as if they’re all too afraid to breathe and miss it.

“So, Quinn was showing me the newline,” I start, then chew on the side of my lip.

“Vibratorline,” Tasia interjects, filling in the gaps.

I nod. “Yeah, that.”

Vivian places her hands on her knees and bounces in her seat.

“Did he walk in on Quinn’s colorful description?” Tasia guesses.

“Oh yeah, that he did. Then I practically bitch slapped London with it when I turned around.” My cheeks flame.

“He got dong slapped?” Viv’s mouth gapes open.

“Not exactly. It was an abstract-looking thing, but he definitely knew what it was. He wanted to hear the rest of Quinn’s sales pitch,” I say, covering my face with my hands. “I’m so freaking mortified.”