Page 22 of Dirty Plans

“Nothing,” I squeak.

“Oooh, this is gonna be good,” Viv says, a giant grin spreading across her face.

“I promise, there’s nothing to tell,” I respond, pressing my hands to my cheeks to keep them from flaming.

“Maybe she's trying to spice up her marriage and found some sexy lingerie when she went next door. Or maybe she's secretly planning a surprise threesome,” Carlie interjects, strumming her fingertips together.

We all turn to face her.

“Sorry, hazards of the job.” She shrugs, totally not fussed.

Vivian grins. “Maybe Flower here is into the kinky stuff and just ran into her Dom.”

My head whips to her and I gasp,“What?”

Why on earth is that the only thing my brain can fire off?

Vivian beams back. “That’s it. Isn’t it?”

“No.” I blink hard, trying to get the image of London being a Dom out of my head.

Thanks, Viv.

“You know, if you’re not going to spill it, I could just walk next door and ask Quinn,” Tasia says with a ghost of a smirk as she jabs her thumb toward Dirty Deeds.

My stomach drops and my heart skips at least three beats. Cold sweat literally bursts from the skin on my forehead like a faucet was turned on.

When I don’t say anything, she makes a move to stand.

“Okay, fine. Christ, just sit down,” I mutter, holding out my hands.

She resumes her seat and crosses her hands over the box.

I sigh. There’s no way I’m going to get around this. If I don’t talk, Tasia will one-hundred percent go ask Quinn.

“Quinn would just blow it out of proportion,” I mutter my next thought out loud.

“You were blowing Quinn? I thought he was gay,” Vivian says.

When I turn to her, she looks positively scandalized.

“What?No.”I make a face at the thought and my word choice as I shake my head.

“He’s not gay?” She looks as confused as I feel.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath.

“Vivian, how you make it through the day is one of life’s greatest mysteries,” Anna mutters, returning her gaze to her phone.

“Just lucky, I guess,” Vivian chirps with a shrug.

“More like dumb luck,” Anna claps back.

“Getting back to whatever Quinn would have blown out of proportion …” Tasia interjects with the roll of her hand. She holds my gaze with the kind of intensity that could make even Vivian squirm.

I inhale a deep breath, fighting the urge to up and run.

“Do you remember …” I hedge as I try to pick the right angle for this discussion.