Page 102 of Forbidden Protector

“Okay, so explain yourselves,” Felicity finally begins. “You disappear on us for like a week and come back with a ring on your finger? We were worried sick!”

“I’m still worried sick!” Bella chimes in.

A strange sense of deja vu washes over me. Was this how Aimee felt when I accused her of the same thing? It was never my intention to wrap Bella and Felicity up in my situation like this, but by not communicating with them, I hurt them anyway. “I’m sorry, I should have called or something.”

“You should have. But more on that later. Answers, please.”

I flinch at Felicity’s directness. “It’s kind of a long story…”

“The truth is,” Arnie speaks up, seemingly coming to my rescue as he squeezes my hand again. “I’m really rich.”

Felicity’s jaw drops.

“I knew it!” Bella shrieks loud enough to blow an eardrum.

“Roisin Maguire, you freaking gold digger,” Felicity adds.

I stare at Arnie in shock. “That isnotwhy I agreed to marry you.”

“Helped though, didn’t it?” he grins back.

“Does that mean he’s paying for the wedding? Will we be your bridesmaids?” Bella presses eagerly, her chair scraping forward a few inches with every question.

“Screw that,” Felicity says. “I want to be your maid of honor.”

“Unfortunately, that position will have to go to my sister,” I reply as reasonably as I can. It’s not something I’ve even had a moment to properly think about. But now I’ve reconnected with Aimee, the answer is obvious.

“Have you spoken to her then?” Felicity asks, her expression softening.


She beams at me. “I’m so happy for you! Is she okay?”

“She just needed some space,” I answer vaguely. “New York really got to her, you know?”

Bella nods empathetically. “My cousin moved here a few years back, rode the subway exactly once, and some stranger threw up on him. He was back in Atlanta by the end of the week.”

That’s not really what I meant, but I nod along anyway. The mental image of Jack and Aimee in their pristine clothing riding the subway amuses me more than it probably should.

“So wait, let’s rewind a second.” Felicity rubs at her temples. “You meet this rich guy, and he pops the question on what, the second date?”

“I’m a friend of her brother’s,” Arnie explains smoothly. “He kind of set us up.”

“You have a brother?” Bella exclaims.

“And that was enough to convince you tomarryhim?” Felicity exclaims even louder.

“I don’t know what to tell you, Felicity,” I say exasperatedly, sitting back in my chair. “I think sometimes you just know, you know?”

She must see something in my expression as she finally looks away with a sigh. “I’m not saying I approve. But I’m glad you’re safe.”

Warmth begins to blossom in my chest toward my friend. Felicity and I had been instant friends the moment I moved in; she was quick to put me at ease and took me under her wing the moment she realized I needed it.

“Are you guys living together now?” Bella asks.

I’m not entirely sure how to answer that. “Actually-”

“My house is currently being renovated,” Arnie explains to me. “Roisin said we might be able to crash here for a few days if it’s not too inconvenient for you?”