Page 103 of Forbidden Protector

“Of course, this is Roisin’s home too,” Bella throws me a kind smile.

“We will expect rent, though,” Felicity adds, mischief flickering behind her eyes.

For all his wits and smarts, Arnie falls for it hook, line, and sinker. “Yes, whatever you need. How much?”

Felicity exchanges a devious look with Bella. “Oh, only around $10,000.”

To my despair, Arnie grabs his wallet and pulls out a checkbook.

“Stop that!! Arnie, no!” I shriek, snatching the book away from him.

Felicity and Bella burst out laughing.

“That’s my fortune you’re trying to swindle,” I playfully jab at them—only making the laughing so much worse.

Arnie leans into me. “What did I do?”

“Oh, honey.” Felicity wipes an imaginary tear from her cheek. “You really are rich, aren’t you?”

“$10,000 is an insane amount of money for a few days’ rent,” I hiss at him. “And we’re all on scholarship, so we don’t even pay rent here.”

A little color flashes onto his cheeks. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him so out of his depth, but his flustered face is startlingly endearing.

“Well,” he recovers with a cough. “At least let me buy you all dinner to say thank you.”

Bella claps her hands excitedly. “Chinese food?”

“I’ll call them!” Felicity shouts, ever the control freak, as she heads toward her room. “The usual, Roisin?”

“Please.” I look up at Arnie. “What do you want?”

“Make that two!” he calls out to Felicity without breaking eye contact.

I narrow my eyes. “You’ve never ordered takeout before, have you?”

“If I say no, will you tease me for it?” He counters with faux confidence that only increases my suspicions.

“Absolutely,” I tell him firmly.

“Then I’ve absolutely ordered takeout before.”

I hit him playfully on the shoulder. “You privileged little rich boy!”

“Hey, Roisin?”

“Hmm?” I turn to Bella to see her fiddling with the sleeve of her hoodie.

“I’m not sure if you saw… about Douglas Jones?”

My jovial mood begins to fizzle out. I stare down at my hands. “Yeah, I saw.”

Arnie practically freezes up next to me, no doubt trying to figure out a way to seem unaffected by the conversation. I suppose, in a way, by coming here, he’s returning to the scene of the crime.

“I’m so sorry, Roisin.” Bella takes a seat next to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and pulling me in close. “I know how much he meant to you.”

“We were surprised when you weren’t at the memorial service,” Felicity says from her door frame, having finished up the order. “But I suppose you were somewhat engaged.”

She throws a pointed look at Arnie, and I cringe.