Xander’s grip on the phone tightened. “Amara won’t know what all needs pulled. Once you have the information gathered, give it to Amara. She’ll see that I get it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Thanks. I don’t know when I’ll be back. You can reach me on my cell if anything comes up.”

“In the meantime, is there anything I can do?”

Xander had always been on top of everything. He didn’t see a reason to change that now. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to give Roberto a little more responsibility. After all, Roberto was a good man and quite capable. “Yes. Make sure nothing goes awry while I’m out of the office. We have a number of deals in the works. Are you up for the task?”

“I am.” There was absolutely no hesitation in his voice.

“Keep me in the loop.”

“Yes, sir.”

They went over a couple of other open items and then he was transferred to his assistant. In addition to other tasks, he requested she send him clothes—casual clothes. He had no idea how long he’d remain on Infinity Island.

For the moment, Xander was free to focus solely on Lea and the baby. And his first order of business was to tell Lea that he would invest in her island, even though he didn’t believe in what it stood for—infinite love. That kind of love didn’t exist. But he’d keep that last part to himself.

* * *

“What do you mean Xander’s here?”

Lea really didn’t want to talk about this latest development in her personal life, but Popi wasn’t about to let it go. Lea looked over the top of her computer monitor and took in her friend’s pink top that said, “Precious Cargo Onboard.” Popi had volunteered to be a surrogate for her sister and brother-in-law.

Before Lea answered her best friend’s question, which inevitably would lead to another one, Lea had a question of her own. “Where did you get that top?”

Popi sent her a puzzled look before glancing down. “I ordered it online. And their stuff is so comfy I’ve ordered more.”

“Do they have anything more professional? I hardly fit in any of my clothes.” The truth was she didn’t fit in them, at least not the way they were supposed to be worn.

Popi nodded and then gave her the web address. “Now, stop changing the subject.”

“What were we discussing?” Lea knew perfectly well the topic of conversation, but she was amused when Popi became frustrated and pinched her lips together like she was doing right now.

“You were about to tell me what Xander’s doing here?”

Lea sighed. “I told him about the baby. I had to. I couldn’t live with myself if I kept it from him.”

“You did the right thing. But I thought you said he wasn’t a family man. You said he was all about the business and had no room in his life for kids.”

“That’s what he told me when he was here last time.”

“So once he found out he was going to be a father, he changed his mind?”

Lea shrugged. “I don’t know. I told him about the baby last night and today he’s here. I don’t know what he wants from me. Your guess is as good as mine. But he is acting rather strange.”

“Strange how? He wants to marry you? He wants to take the baby away from you? He’s moving in?”

“I told you I don’t know.” She seemed to be saying that a lot lately. “The only thing he has told me is that the island is slowly falling apart and I don’t have the funds to fix it.”

“Ah... So he’s still after the land. He thinks he can force you into selling it to him now that you’re pregnant.”

Lea wanted to disagree with her—to tell her that Xander wouldn’t stoop so low. But could she really argue the point? It wasn’t like he’d talked about much else, other than how the island wouldn’t be able to sustain them.

Popi was about to say something else when the office door swung open. There stood Xander, looking more casual than she was used to seeing him. Though Lea’s attention was zeroed in on Xander, she could feel Popi’s gaze moving back and forth between the two of them.

“I’ve got something I need to do,” Popi said hesitantly. “I’ll, uh, just catch up with you later.”