She assured herself that he’d just be here for a day or two. Just long enough to figure out how this pregnancy would affect their lives. Then he’d go back to his life in Athens. And she would remain here on the island.


WHAT EXACTLY WAS he supposed to do now?

Xander raked his fingers through his hair, not caring what it looked like. For once, his appearance would make no difference in the negotiation. Usually he made a point of looking on top of his game, with the finest suit, the best haircut and a clean shave. He liked to let his competitors know that he was used to winning—that he didn’t accept being second best.

But dealing with Lea was totally different. Money didn’t impress her. She understood its necessity to survive, but it wasn’t her driving force. And that was something foreign to him. Since he’d been a teenager, he’d been focused on amassing a fortune. And now at the age of thirty-one, he had more money than he could possibly spend in this lifetime, but he still wasn’t satisfied. He was still looking to make the next deal—something to fill the emptiness inside.

His gaze moved over the island. This time he wasn’t taking in his surroundings the same way as he had during his prior visit. Before, his interest was in the landscape and the eventual demolition followed by its rebirth. This time he was looking to see what it would take to make this island viable as a wedding destination for the foreseeable future.

He’d noticed the determined glint in Lea’s eyes when he’d mentioned selling the island. It was the same look he imagined he had when he bought his first piece of property that had been uneven and heavily vegetated. His father had told him that he’d thrown away his money. Xander had secretly been having his own doubts, but his father’s words had been like a challenge. Xander had done everything to clear and level that plot of land. In the end, he’d tripled his money. With the proceeds he’d bought more property.

Lea would stay here on Infinity Island and do whatever it took to keep the family business going—even if it took the last bit of money she possessed. And it would. Most of the structures needed new roofs. The landscaping needed to be reworked in places. The bungalows needed new windows and paint, and that was just scratching the surface.

He didn’t know how long he’d walked—wearing off his frustration. In the process, he’d been trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he was going to be a father. He’d always thought fatherhood was something he didn’t want, but now it was no longer a choice. He refused to turn his back on his baby like his biological parents had done to him when they’d left him on the steps in front of the hospital.

And though his adoptive parents had loved him, it just hadn’t been the same as what they felt for his sister—their flesh and blood. Growing up, he’d blamed himself—telling himself that he wasn’t good enough. If he’d have just tried harder, they’d have loved him the same as they loved his sister. He’d never allowed any of them that chance.

Now he had a baby of his own. He would do whatever it took to see that Lea and the baby were taken care of. Money wouldn’t be an issue.

If Lea insisted on remaining on the island, he could have the island all fixed up. And he would contact his financial planner to set up a trust fund for his son...or daughter. He liked the idea. At last, he had the beginnings of a plan.

As for being an involved father, he was less certain about it. With his past, he doubted he could be a loving parent. They’d all be better off if he remained in the shadows.

Xander pulled his phone out of his pocket and pressed the speed dial. The phone was answered on the first ring as though Roberto, his second-in-charge, was sitting there waiting for him to call. But of course, he wouldn’t be because he had too many other things he should be doing.

Xander dispensed with the pleasantries and went straight for the important stuff. “Roberto, I need you to drop everything and pull what you have on the resort deal.”

“Isn’t that something your assistant could do?”

Since when did his employees second-guess him? Even if Roberto was right. Xander’s back teeth ground together. He got Roberto’s veiled message: Xander wasn’t giving him tasks worthy of his position.