He couldn’t smile. “I don’t want you to go.”

“Nolan.” Her voice softened. “Chad’s waiting outside with my things. I need to go home.”

“Why?” Before she could tell him all the reasons, he held up a hand. “Stay with me. I could have guards drive you to parliament on the days you need to meet. It won’t be the same without you here.”

“Thank you, but I think we both need some space.”

She might need space from him and his responsibilities, but he definitely didn’t need it from her.

“I need to take our relationship slow.”

He was beginning to hate that word. He’d taken his dating of Anne very slow. Why, with Madeline, did he want to speed ahead? He could claim he was older and knew his own mind better but he also was desperately in love with her.

“Me leaving will help with that,” she continued. “We can date. Quietly. Tell Ray I’m sorry about the platoon of soldiers he’ll have to send for each date.”

“Madeline…” His voice was low and painful. “I’ll happily date you for a year, ten years, whatever it takes, but?—”

“That’s good,” she interrupted quietly. “Because Kiera isn’t ready for us to be serious.”

“Excuse me? How do you know that? Kiera adores you. All my children do. Ray told me he approves of us getting married. He’s seen that you make me happy. And you do.”

Tears brightened her emerald eyes. “Kiera’s not ready. She was made fun of at school today.” She shook her head. “The media got ahold of us dating.”

“A lot slower than I thought they would.” But the more important issue... “Kiera was a target?”

“I don’t have all the details, but let’s not push her. She’s an incredible teenager and obviously still mourning her mum. We need to take this slow for us and for her and to resolve … a lot of things for me.”

It was a gut punch. Kiera had been taunted. Madeline didn’t need him like he needed her.

Time. He’d have to give her time.

She shook her head, and her blonde hair teased her shoulders. He wanted to touch her hair. He wanted to touch her, love her, never have her leave.

“The prime minister is going to have our media people spread the word that you and I are no longer dating. That will ensure nobody comes after me to get to you.”

“That’s good.” He never wanted her hurt or scared.

“Yes. Very good.” Her smile was full of pain. It ripped at his heart. “I’d better let you get back to your meetings.”

“I wish you could be in each meeting with us,” he said. “T and I both miss your insight and experience. I miss every bit of you.”

Her smile became more genuine, but then she frowned. Had he said something wrong?

“I’ll see you soon.” She turned and rushed down the hall without a kiss, a hug, even a handshake.

Nolan leaned against the nearby wall.

She was upset, and she needed space. What about her safety? Chad was taking her home, so he’d make certain her house was safe. With those men arrested, she should be fine, but he selfishly wanted to claim she was only safe here. By his side.

He reluctantly went back into the meeting. He hadn’t lied that it wasn’t the same without Madeline. The afternoon dragged on and finally it was time for dinner.

Walking into the small dining room, he was plowed into by Kiera before he could take two steps into the room. He hugged his daughter tight. He hated that she’d been taunted, but that happened with thirteen-year-olds, especially a thirteen-year-old princess. He’d have to talk to her about keeping her chin up and the fact that you can only control yourself and your reactions, but he’d also talk to the teacher and request the girls knew their words were hurtful and to please not repeat them.

If only Madeline was here with him to talk things out with Kiera. Had Kiera really said she didn’t want Madeline as her mum, or was his girl only trying to figure out how to love Madeline while not betraying her mum’s memory? Madeline was incredible with Kiera, and love shone from his daughter when they were together.

He met Macey’s glance over Kiera’s head. Tristan and Jennifer were here, but not Ray.

“Where’s Chad’s mum?” Kiera asked, pulling back to look up at him.