“Only because I have you around. Chad, how busy are you?”

“Never too busy for you.”

She smiled. Chad was an ideal son and always there for her.

“Can you come take me home? My mission at the castle is finished.”

There was a pause. “What did the king say about you leaving?”

She couldn’t lie to her son. “We’re figuring that out. How soon can you be here?”

“Is an hour all right?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Mum. I thought you and the king ... Is everything well between the two of you?”

“Oh yes, it’s fine, but we knew this situation was temporary. We’ll figure everything out. I don’t want you to worry. Now, get your important tasks done and I’ll see you soon.”

“All right. We’ll chat more while I drive you home.”

“Thank you, my love.” Madeline hung up the phone before the tears hit.

She was leaving.

Nolan. Kiera. Jennifer. Macey. All of these people that she loved and had thought needed her.

Nolan would say he needed her.

She’d told him she needed to take things slow. Kiera’s tears confirmed that. Her need for independence confirmed that. Not knowing what role she’d take as the queen confirmed that. Being attacked by a man intent on hurting Nolan this morning confirmed that.

Her leaving wasn’t saying they were done. Her emissary mission was accomplished, and they’d figure the rest out. They only needed time.

Why, then, did it hurt so horribly?

Chapter Thirteen

Nolan tried to pay attention to the material Tristan was presenting to the parks and recreation department, but his mind was with Madeline. Was she all right? Did she need him to hold her? When she said they should go slow … how slow did that mean? He’d wait for her. He knew he would. But he’d get married tomorrow if she was on board.

The door creaked slightly open. Tristan didn’t notice as he was presenting, but Nolan perked up. Especially as he glimpsed through the crack the most beloved face, emerald eyes, full lips, and the silky blonde hair.

He motioned for her to come in, but she shook her head.

Nolan gently nudged the computer until only Tristan’s face showed on the screen. Then he slid away from the desk and walked on soft feet to the door. He slipped out, closed it behind him, and he was right in her space. She blinked up at him, her emerald eyes beguiling and full of longing for him. He wrapped her up tight. Holding Madeline in his arms, nothing had ever felt so perfect. They’d only been apart since lunch, but he missed her.

She shifted, easing back and glancing up at him. Where a moment ago he’d seen longing, now her gaze seemed closed off.

“How has your afternoon been?” he asked before she could pull away. “The meetings just aren’t the same without you.”

She smiled, but her chin quivered.


She stepped back out of his arms and rushed out, “You heard Jensen caught the attacker’s boss?”

“I did hear that. Wonderful news. I can hike with you again.”

Her eyes brightened. “I also got a call from Prime Minister Carrera. My emissary mission is complete. No associations with Naomi Rindlesbacher and no evidence of other irregularities for our illustrious king.”