“That’s good.” Madeline looked up at him. She liked how tall and manly he was, liked being close to him. Cedar and mint filled her senses, making her brain a little cloudy. “Any ideas for a cover story?”

“I thought this was your lofty assignment. Parliament didn’t debate on a cover story before they sent you over?”

“Sadly, no. And all those brilliant minds could’ve come up with a fabulous one, I’m sure.” Madeline relished being part of parliament. She loved Augustine and felt she was making a difference for her country. She enjoyed all the smart and charitable men and women she associated with. Thankfully, Albert and George were the exception to the rule. It was maddening that the prime minister had given in to their incessant demands, but if he hadn’t, she wouldn’t be here. The prime minister was probably right that they would’ve sought other means to go after the king.

“You have the most brilliant mind of the group,” he told her, his gaze warm. “I want to hear your thoughts on the primary school expansion, but we’d better address this issue first.”

Madeline’s pulse quickened at the compliment. He valued her opinion.

Nolan pursed his lips. “The easiest course of action is to tell my family and staff that we’re officially dating and you’ve taken a leave of absence to spend time with me.” He winked. “And to see if Kiera approves of us furthering the relationship.”

Her heart slammed against her chest. She couldn’t think of a single response, witty or otherwise.

As seconds ticked by, his gaze changed from mirth to solemnity. “Unless that is a repulsive idea to you.”

“R-repulsive? Dating you is the furthest thing from repulsive.”

His lips curved back up, and she wondered if this fake dating idea could include kissing. No! There would be no fake dating or kissing.

“So you aren’t opposed to the idea? As a cover story, of course.”

Cover story. It couldn’t be real. He wasn’t interested in dating anyone, and she was strong and independent.

“I don’t think it will work,” she said. “Word will spread from your staff or guards or someone and we’d cause the scandal we’re trying to prevent.”

“Dating me is scandalous?” He arched one brow. The man could’ve been a male model, but he’d obviously been born to be a king. He wore it well.

“No.” Dating him would be a dream come true. If she were twenty years younger, innocent and naïve again. If he wasn’t a grieving widower with a large family. Kiera was too young to understand and probably wouldn’t like him ‘moving on’ from her mum.

“Well, then. I think it’s a fabulous plan. We’d better hurry to dinner. Kiera gets hangry.” He smiled, but then his face softened. “She and I don’t get near enough time together.”

He escorted her into the hall and they walked down it together, as if they were dating. Could she really run with his idea? She could email the prime minister and parliament and explain what they were doing. It would keep rumors about her investigating the king from coming out, but the rumors that would fly would be of a sort that she wasn’t prepared to deal with. The media and even their own countrymen might not like the idea of her dating the king, of him moving on … too many worries, and she wanted to talk about Kiera.

“I don’t want to interrupt your time together,” she said as they reached the grand staircase and descended. The offices were above the two levels of the ballroom, dining rooms, library, and various receiving rooms.

“She’ll love you being here. She craves a mother figure and has latched on to her sisters-in-law, Ellery and Macey in particular.” He gave her a sad smile as they reached the main level.

Mother figure? He surely didn’t mean it in reference to Madeline stepping in as a mother figure, though she yearned to nurture the brave young princess.

“The poor thing,” Madeline said. “I can’t imagine losing her mum so young.”

Madeline’s parents lived in the village of Providence and had been a great support to her as she had raised Chad by herself.

“She seems resilient, but occasionally overwhelming emotion and sadness will bubble to the surface.” They walked slowly down the hall, as if the king wanted to talk to her alone for a bit longer. “Tristan’s bombing really shook her, especially because Macey returned to California at the same time. Macey was in love with Ray and didn’t know he returned the feelings.”

“Your family had far too many attacks and events last year.”

He stopped outside the dining room. “That’s why our dating won’t faze anyone.”

She didn’t know if that was true and could already imagine the stir the distinguished king dating a member of parliament might cause.

“Dad!” Kiera’s happy call came from inside the smaller dining room.

Nolan turned as Kiera bowled into him. He hugged the beautiful teenager close, then picked her up in the air as if she were a small child. His strength was impressive, and Madeline’s mouth was very dry. She’d felt that strength under her fingertips and pressed against her in that fateful dance.

“Look who is going to stay with us,” Nolan said, turning toward Madeline.

“Chad’s mum!” Kiera called happily as Nolan set her on her feet. No matter how often she asked Kiera to call her Madeline, she always called her Chad’s mum. Kiera gave her a quick squeeze. She was a friendly soul.