“Hello, Kiera.” Madeline couldn’t resist putting an arm around her thin shoulders. She hoped the princess got enough attention and love. With all of her older brothers and sisters-in-law and a very concerned father, she imagined she did. “Your dad tells me we’re going to swim after dinner.”

“You’ll swim with us? Yes!” Kiera did a standing backflip, dislodging Madeline’s arm and stunning her. The girl’s hip knocked into a side table as she landed. An antique bowl teetered on the edge and then fell. Kiera swooped up the bowl before it could hit the ground and lifted it high above her head like a trophy.

“Wild Child,” Tristan teased her. “Stop flipping and let’s eat. I’m starved, and you’ll get to your swimming faster.”

“Okay, okay.” Kiera grabbed Madeline’s hand and tugged her toward the table. “You sit by me and Pops.”

“Gladly.” The word was out before she realized what effect it would have. Tristan and Jennifer exchanged glances. Raymond and Macey did the same, while Nolan gave her the most enticing look known to mankind. Was that part of his pretending to date scheme, or was he interested in her?

Macey and Jennifer welcomed her with hugs, Raymond with a firm handshake. The general was the most serious of Nolan’s children by a long shot. A very loyal and good man, to be sure.

A variety of delicious-smelling food was already loaded onto the table. Nolan sat next to her with Kiera on her other side. He extended his hand and her stomach flip-flopped. She placed her hand in his, warmth and tingles threatening to pop out of her skin. Kiera grasped her other hand.

“Macey,” Nolan said. “Would you please offer the blessing?”

“Of course.”

The darling American princess gave a sweet blessing on the food, the family, and the people of Augustine. She thanked heaven for all their blessings, most of all the love of their family and ‘Chad’s mum’ being with them. As soon as she said amen, she looked directly at Madeline. “Are you only here for the evening, ‘Chad’s mum’?”

“Madeline, please. To answer your question, I …” Her hand was still in Nolan’s. Kiera had pulled her hand free to dish up grilled chicken. Madeline looked at Nolan. He gave her an encouraging nod. He would rescue her if she wanted, but he trusted her to tell his family about their relationship.

Their relationship? There was no their and no relationship. Could they be a team like he’d suggested? And how had she gotten all that information from Nolan from a simple locking of gazes? It was unreal how connected she felt to him.

“Nolan and I are officially dating,” Madeline burst out before she could second-guess his crazy plan.

Everybody’s eyes widened. Even Kiera stopped with a forkful of pasta salad on her way to her mouth.

“Dating?” Kiera looked at her dad.

He nodded in confirmation, his gaze hesitant. He had to do what was best for his daughter.

“Does that mean you’ll come be with us every day?” Kiera looked hopeful, and it warmed Madeline’s heart.


Nolan squeezed her hand and glanced around, his gaze returning to Madeline’s face and full of a promise she’d never expected to find in this lifetime and certainly not with the king. Was he for real or simply acting? He’d initially been frustrated about her purpose here, but he’d schooled that quickly and treated her with respect and kindness. Maybe even something more than respect and kindness.

“Madeline is going to stay with us for a while.” He released her hand and smirked at Raymond. “Since driving to Traverse and taking her to dinner would require an entire platoon to accompany us.”

“It would,” Raymond said, serious as ever. “Thank you for not creating extra work for my troops.”

Nolan laughed. “Of course, son.”

The family continued dishing up their plates and eating. They included her in the conversation and didn’t act as if their father bringing the woman he was dating into their family meals and staying at the castle was a big deal.

Madeline followed suit, dishing up food, eating, and teasing with all of them. Except the general. He partially smiled at their teasing.

She should’ve felt awkward and out of place, but she felt like part of the family. Would all of Nolan’s family welcome her this easily? Didn’t any of them have an issue with her replacing their mother? Especially Kiera. It was possible the young girl didn’t understand the implications of them dating.

Her stomach churned. She wasn’t replacing anyone. The dating was a farce. She wasn’t cut out to be queen, and Nolan would never move on from his wife. Of course the royal family was too classy to throw a fit about their father ‘dating.’

Madeline risked a glance at Nolan. Her mission here had taken a twist she hadn’t foreseen. She was grateful for how comfortable and welcome she felt. Now if she could not let her heart run away with her head and believe she and Nolan could be real.

She’d made the mistake of letting her heart and passions rule when she’d married Bradford. Never again.

Still, she’d be thrilled to date the most impressive man she’d ever known. Slowly and rationally dating. Not some quick burn like her marriage had been.

If only she and Nolan weren’t fake.