Gunner nodded, hurried around her and closed the double doors. He returned to Sutton’s side and offered Eva an easy smile. She could barely return it. This man was Hayden’s ‘bro’? Is that why Hayden was here? What ‘favor’?

“Eva Canterbury,” Sutton greeted her pleasantly. “I’m sure you know Hayden ‘the Beast’ Warren.”

“I know who he is,” she said tightly, “but I have no idea why you would bring him into this meeting.”

“In light of your difficult and threatening circumstances, Gunner and I believe it’s in your best interest to marry Hayden tomorrow eve.”

“What?” Eva managed, her heart racing but her skin cold and clammy. She looked at Hayden.

He gave her a charming, if insincere, smile and pumped his eyebrows. “I’m sorry, Beauty, but they blindsided me with this one. The offer of marriage …” A muscle jumped in his jaw he was clenching it so tight. “Not my idea and truly not conceivable.”

Sutton looked to Gunner. The thicker and younger man gave his boss a nod of reassurance then turned to Eva with a conspiring grin. “Don’t worry, the Beast owes me big time.”

“Cheers.” Sutton chuckled. “It’ll all be aces.”

Aces? Hayden ‘owed’ Gunner? They wanted to force him to marry her to keep her safe from Zeus? Hayden seemed to be trying to be charming, but everything he said and every look he gave her was clearly another rejection.

Eva met Hayden’s gaze. His dark eyes were churning with turmoil and for an instant she felt bad for him. There was obviously a reason for his angst. If only she knew why it was directed at her. Had he confused her with someone else? Was there some slight in her past against this handsome man that she either didn’t intend or somehow didn’t remember? It looked like he at least agreed there was nothing ‘fun’ about this.

“I can’t marry Eva,” Hayden insisted. “It is impossible.”

Her stomach churned. Impossible? Why? What was wrong with her?

“I think I’ll take my chances with the crime lord,” she ground out, self defense making her words come out bratty and petty. Her dream man disliked her and was flat-out refusing to marry her. For some reason, that was worse than being targeted by a vicious and always-successful crime boss.

Find Matchmaking the Model and the Beast on Amazon.

The Grieving King and the Emissary

Books and Characters of Augustine

There are a lot of different characters coming into these stories. I hope it helps to have the couples listed with their books and their status as a couple.

I hope you enjoy the book!



Sweet Royal Romance Suspense Series:

#1 - The General Prince and the Nerd - General Prince Raymond August and Macey Clifton - Married in a quiet ceremony at the castle that was interrupted by Prime Minister Shule trying to find Hattie Ballard.

#2 - The Brave Prince and the Teacher - Prince Curtis August and Aliya Drummond - Married in their cabin in the mountains, expecting their first baby.

#3 - The Doctor Prince and the Outsider - Doctor Prince Steffan August and Hattie Ballard - Eloped in a remote village

#4 - The Ninja Prince and the Investigator - Prince Derek August and Ellery Monson - Married at the castle

#5 - The Charming Prince and the Single Mum - Prince Malik August and Sophie Pederson - Married in the castle courtyard, reception and dancing interrupted by a bomb threat

#6 - The Crown Prince and the Traitor - Crown Prince Tristan August and Jennifer Shule - Married in the castle’s ballroom at Christmastime

#7 – The Police Chief and the Musician - Chief Jensen Allendale and Livvy Moser - Married

#8 – The Royal Major and the Personal Trainer - Major Chad Prescott and Hope Radisson - Married

#9 - The Grieving King and the Emissary - King Nolan August and Madeline Prescott (Chad’s Mum)