Christmas in Augustine:

#1 The Royal Captain and the American Businesswoman - Captain Levi Favor and Faith Radisson (Hope’s Sister)

#2 The Royal Guard and the Royal Stylist - Private Brad Rivera and Arianna Gunnell

#3 The Impulsive Princess and the Soldier - Princess Kiera and Lieutenant Mason Henson

Other Characters:

William Rindlesbacher - Fell off a cliff

Naomi Rindlesbacher - On the run

Treven Rindlesbacher - Shot by Chief Jensen

Henry and Leslie Shule - Former Prime Minister and his wife, Jennifer’s parents, Helping Leslie heal and traveling a lot

Lieutenant General Philippe Cordon - Killed in a cave

Sunny Pederson - Sophie’s daughter

Holly Monson - Ellery’s mom

Aunt Elise - Ellery’s aunt

Madeline Prescott - Chad’s mum

Grace Radisson - Hope and Faith’s sister - Murdered by David Zeus III in Matchmaking the Model and the Beast


King Nolan August spun his new daughter-in-law around the dance floor of the castle’s spacious but crowded ballroom. The ballroom was lauded as one of the most beautiful rooms in the kingdom of Augustine. Two stories of windows and balconies made up the exterior wall, scalloped moldings plated with fourteen-karat gold lined the ceiling and decorated walls, and expertly painted murals depicted love stories from long ago. The Baccarat chandeliers combined crystal glass with gilt bronze and were often gaped at by first-time visitors.

Tonight, with the royal wedding of the beloved crown prince, the room was draped in twinkling lights, white chiffon, and white gardenias. It smelled and looked lovely. Any ballroom in Europe would be hard pressed to compare in beauty and majesty.

Throughout his over thirty years of being the king, Nolan had focused on the business of running Augustine and had left the beautifying to his wife Anne. Thankfully, Arianna, the royal stylist and more, and his daughters-in-law, had all stepped up and taken over that role as he would’ve been lost even attempting to hire the right people for an event such as this.

The traditional wedding dances were over, but the bride Jennifer Shule had felt like one of Nolan’s own children even before she and Tristan had wed. Her dad had been Nolan’s closest friend for years and they’d worked closely together when Henry was the prime minister of Augustine. Henry had stepped down as prime minister because his wife Leslie had inadvertently killed Anne, Nolan’s beloved wife and the queen.

Nolan pushed that away and smiled and laughed and teased with Jennifer. He missed Anne constantly, but never more than on nights like this. Still, he kept smiling and working long hours for his family and his country. Sometimes the distraction of never-ending demands helped assuage his grief. Spending time with his family, especially his twelve-year-old daughter Kiera, was the only thing that truly took away the pain. Though it still lingered when the thoughts of Anne would’ve loved this or they need Anne invaded.

This Christmas wedding had been ideal. No bombs like Malik and Sophie’s wedding. No Rindlesbachers showing up. Yet. Only Naomi was still alive, and she hadn’t been spotted in months. Interpol, the European Union, and Sutton Smith all agreed she was deep in hiding. His son Ray, the general of Augustine, and Ray’s best friend Chief Jensen had sworn to him no Rindlesbacher cronies or threats would get anywhere near this wedding.

The groom was his oldest son, Crown Prince Tristan, and the bride was the perfect fit to someday be queen. They’d loved each other for years, and today was an epic celebration.

Nolan had lost Anne almost a year ago now. He took great solace in each of his sons being happily married and his daughter Kiera being a delight to everyone. He spotted Kiera twirling with Malik and Sophie’s adorable Sunny, the Princess Sunny if you asked the little one, and of course Nolan was King Papa. He smiled at the pair of them.

“Kiera is darling with Sunny,” Jennifer said, following his gaze.

“They’re both such a light to all of us.” He focused back on his new daughter-in-law. “As are you. I’m grateful T has been blessed with you as his wife, and we’re all blessed to have you in our family.”

“Thank you, Nolan.” Her eyes got bright. “I can’t tell you how I appreciate your forgiveness and love for my mum and dad.”

“Your dad is my closest friend, and we’re all praying your mum can heal and forgive herself.”

“Thank you.”

The song ended, and Tristan appeared by Nolan’s side. “Can I steal my beautiful wife?”