Ray and T both turned to him. Ray didn’t want any other issues. Had word of him rolling around in the dirt with T’s fiancée somehow gotten out? None of the men were allowed personal phones during training, so he’d hoped they were safe from pictures or videos, but it didn’t mean they wouldn’t text or Snap friends or family about it after their shifts.

“What’s wrong, Pops?” T looked relaxed and comfortable, despite the red mark on his jaw.

“Our own news channels apparently started the rumors, and now it’s spreading throughout the world. They’re comparing pictures of the two of you and showing angle after angle of Ray with Macey, claiming, truthfully I might add, that the ‘General Prince’ is the one kissing Macey Clifton and wondering what ‘the hot royal twins’ are trying to pull.” He shook his head. “This was supposed to be good publicity.”

“Crap,” T said, summing it up pretty well. Ray gave him a look. T raised his hands and admitted, “All right. You’re right. I’ll focus.”

“There were three notes found today. Jensen said he sent them to your emails, but apparently you two have been busy.” He gave them a look that made Ray feel like he was twelve and had put a smoke bomb in the ballroom during a party with the British royals. Prince Harry had thought it would be funny too.

He was letting himself get distracted by Macey. He was stronger than that. T wasn’t the only one who needed to focus. In fact, Ray needed to focus more than anyone else.

“Were the notes all the same?”

“No. They all said, ‘Let’s kill Prince Tristan and his American fiancée’.”

Ray’s muscles tightened. Nobody was hurting T or Macey. He couldn’t act on his feelings for her, but he would keep her safe.

“You’ve got a slot on the American talk show Jessie. It’s live. Noon pacific, so it’ll be tonight at nine. You’ll do it over Zoom.”

“I will?” T asked.

“Both of you. And Macey. You’re going to convince the world that T and Macey are head over heels in love and Ray has never touched her, kissed her, made googly eyes at her, or has any kind of attraction to his brother’s fiancée. Understood?”

It was as serious as their dad ever got. They needed good publicity, and their dad didn’t need any more stress. Bringing Macey into their lives was supposed to take their people’s minds off the queen’s death, the rumors of the ‘suicide curse,’ and the daily death threats T had received the past couple of weeks. Ray’s crush on Macey, and T’s refusal to let it go, was messing everything up.

Ray had to let her go. His stomach fell as darkness cloaked him.

“Understood,” he said.

“Understood,” T echoed.

“Ray.” His dad’s demeanor softened. “I’ve noticed the way you look at Macey. If you’ve fallen in love with her, we can start fresh with a new plan and deal with the consequences and …” He pushed out a breath. “Somehow, we’ll make it work.”

If you’ve fallen in love with her. Had he? Macey was amazing and seemed perfect for him, but love? No. It was too quick.

His dad left the offer dangling, and T was giving him a pleading look. Ray was tempted. More than tempted. He appreciated his dad putting his needs first. But … it wasn’t right for him to act on his selfish desires. Protecting his family, keeping the kingdom safe. That was what he did. Not sappily fall in love.

“Thank you for caring enough to offer that,” he said to his dad. Then he straightened his shoulders and shook his head. “I don’t love Macey. I’m impressed by her and attracted to her, but that doesn’t factor in. I’ll be in better control of myself around her.”

T let out an annoyed huff but said nothing. His dad studied him, then nodded. “Okay. We’ll keep going like we’ve planned. Macey can hold her own with that talk show host. You two get serious and do your part so we can keep everybody happy and oblivious while Ray and Macey find this annoying ‘Enforcer’ and Anne’s murderer.”

There was nothing to say to that. It had to happen. Macey was a gift. For their country and their family. Not for Ray.

Please help me push this obsession away and focus, he begged heaven above.

Their dad nodded to each of them. “See you at dinner.”

“See you,” T echoed. Ray managed a tilt of his chin. He’d added to his dad’s pain and stress with his lack of self control. He had to be done with this obsession for Macey. He had to prove he was as strong as he’d trained to be his entire life.

No Macey.

Their dad strode out the door. Ray leaned heavily against the wall. He’d never felt so drained. The press knew about their switch. Everyone had seen Ray was head over heels for Macey. Now they had to try to salvage the situation on an American talk show. In three and a half hours. He had to pray hard to keep his feelings from showing for even the briefest of moments. The cameras would be watching him as closely as T and Macey. What if they made T and Macey kiss? His stomach churned and he didn’t know that he’d be able to eat dinner tonight.

“Do you know what this means?” T asked.

Ray’s dreams were over?
