“Thank you for an unbelievable day,” she said to both of them. If only Ray could take her in his arms and make it an even more unbelievable day.

“You’re welcome,” they both said at the same time.

Ray shot his brother an annoyed look.

“Are you skipping dinner for your spa time?” T asked.

“Yes.” She smiled brightly. “Who needs healthy food when you’ve got ice cream, automated massage beds, a hot bath with massagers, and an entire pool to yourself?”

Ray wondered if she was looking forward to some alone time. From what she’d told him, she was more of a recluse. This job was asking a lot of her. He didn’t think anybody but him knew it was a challenge and that she truly thought of herself as a ‘nerd’ and hadn’t just been teasing at the press conference. She seemed to be a natural around everyone from the prime minister to a new army recruit.

“If you get hungry, there’s ‘real’ food in the family area, or the kitchen always has food,” T told her. “I’ll make sure your ice cream is delivered.”

“Thank you.” She lifted a hand and slipped into her room.

When the door closed, Ray glanced at his twin. T was watching him with a sneaky grin.

Ray was about done with his antics. He shoved his brother toward his suite.

“What?” T asked, all innocence, as if that could get him out of a cussing—or a thumping. Ray hadn’t decided which. Probably both.

Ray gestured and strode into the room. As soon as the door was shut, he whirled on T. “You idiot. What were you thinking? We don’t want anybody knowing Macey is a skilled fighter.” Or knowing that Ray couldn’t stay away from her. “You put a target on your back today. Most of our military is probably gunning to take you out so they can have a chance with your fiancée.” That was over the top, but Ray didn’t like all those men knowing how incredible she was.

T laughed. “I’m the idiot? You’re the only man my fiancée wants.”

Ray sucked in a breath, his stomach lifted happily, but he glared harder.

“The rest of the men can drool all they want. Macey is a hundred percent gone over you. You should’ve seen the way she stared at you as you fought Tiny. That girl is head over heels for you, bro.” He rubbed his hands together. “Now, I set this all up perfectly. Go shower and get in a swimsuit. I’ll grab you some food to wolf down. You’ve got hours alone with Macey in the romance of the spa. Who’s the best brother in the world?”

“T.” Ray groaned and leaned against the nearby wall, banging his head back for good measure as he tried to tamp down the heat T’s plan and vision stirred in him. Hours alone with Macey in the spa. Longing filled him. “She wants to be alone in the spa.”

“No, she doesn’t. And if you’re too slow to see how much she wants you, don’t worry. I’ve got your back, as always. I will make this happen with your dream woman. Macey’s the best.”

Ray closed his eyes, but all he could envision was Macey pinning him to the ground, that enticing smile on her face. T really thought she was waiting for him in the spa?

“T.” He opened his eyes and shook his head. “You’ve got to stop playing matchmaker and face reality. Macey is here to protect you, to find Mum’s murderer, and to distract our people from the threats to you and the sadness from losing Mum. Please stop being an idiot and focus on our family, our kingdom, and your responsibilities. And I will focus on mine—keeping you safe and bringing Mum’s murderer to justice.” He pushed away from the wall and headed for the bathroom.

T grabbed his arm and spun him to face him. “If you miss out on Macey, you will never forgive yourself. Mum would want you to follow your heart.”

Ray’s heart thumped erratically. His brother was probably right about Mum, except she’d told him he could protect everyone. If he fell for Macey he couldn’t … The timing was all wrong. “If I let you get hurt, I’ll never forgive myself. Let’s catch the note writer and the murderer. Then maybe …” He didn’t dare let himself hope or look that far into the future.

“Are you serious?”

Ray nodded. “We’ve set this all up with Macey as your fake fiancée to protect you and to help me find the ‘Enforcer’ and the killer. We can’t mess it up just because I’m … drawn to her.” He was much more than drawn to her, but he wouldn’t admit it to his brother.

T studied him, eyes narrowed. “You want me to act the part of Macey’s fiancé?”

“Yes, I do,” Ray got out through a tightly clenched jaw. Even watching T hold her hand had made his gut churn.

“Great. I’m headed to the spa with my fiancée. I’ll let you imagine the cuddling and kissing that’s going to take place, or you can watch it on all the screens in your office. Keep living in the shadows, protecting everyone else, thinking you can protect everyone in the kingdom by yourself, while I make out with your beautiful and incredible and perfect woman.”

Ray slammed his fist into T’s jaw. T hit the wall and bounced back to jab him in the gut harder than Tiny had. Compounded with all the future bruises he had forming, Ray grunted in pain. It was exactly what he needed to snap himself out of the Macey-induced confusion.

He went for a solid uppercut to his brother’s abdomen. Turnabout was fair play.

The door swung open as T grunted and launched a jab at Ray’s jaw, which he dodged.

“Boys!” Their father rushed into the room and slammed the door shut behind him. “Stop with the constant fighting. We’ve got more important issues at the moment.”