The bride and groom stood together close by. Prince Malik held little Princess Sunny in his left arm, his right around his new bride. They presented a beautiful picture, and Hope realized she wanted that … with Chad. They weren’t royals, but that didn’t matter. It was the love radiating from the little family that touched her heart.

“Our perfect and magical wedding is ruined,” Sunny bemoaned, sniffling.

“No, it isn’t, love,” Prince Malik told her. “It’s been a perfect and magical wedding, until the last twenty minutes.” He winked slyly at his wife. “Chad saved us. All that truly matters is that we are joined together forever, and we get to be together all the time now.”

Princess Sophie cuddled into her husband’s side. Of course she looked upset at this conclusion to her wedding day, but she also looked trusting and so in love. Hope found herself wishing Chad was here and looking at her with love in his eyes.

But that was selfish. He needed to be with his mom. She closed her eyes and prayed desperately that his mom would be okay and that Roger would be caught so he couldn’t hurt anyone else.

Prince Tristan raised his hands, and everybody quieted. “I apologize, but we will forego any more wedding activities. If you’ll please queue for the shuttles, they will take you to your vehicles.”

Chief Jensen held up a hand. “T … I need more time.”

General Raymond stormed out of the garage entrance before the chief could explain. “Nobody is leaving until we find Roger Pitcher. Have a seat and I’ll let you know when you are free to go.”

“Jensen?” he called. The police chief hurried to his side.

“Captain Levi,” General Raymond demanded. “I need you to secure the castle and then help Lieutenant Mason escort my family and any other guests to their rooms.”

“Yes, sir.” He saluted and then turned to them as General Raymond moved on. “Please stay here and I’ll be back for you both.”

Hope and Faith nodded. They walked toward the refreshment area and sank into chairs, watching the family and guests talking or milling about. The royal wedding was definitely over, but Chad had saved the day and everything had been glorious up to that point.

General Raymond and Chief Jensen strode through the party and out the gates, calling instructions to different people as they went. Everyone scrambled to obey.

“Are you all right?” Hope asked her little sister.

“I guess. I’m worried about Chad’s mom. She was so kind, classy, and loving.”

“She was,” Hope agreed.

“No wonder Chad didn’t like her date. The guy tried to blow up the whole wedding.”

Hope nodded. “He must’ve drugged Madeline too.”

They sat there in silence. Hope’s mind was spinning with worries over Madeline and Chad and prayers for Madeline’s recovery. She was impressed by how effectively the general and chief of police organized the guests, questioned, searched, and sent them on their way. She and Faith were questioned but she feared they didn’t have much insight besides Chad’s obvious discomfort with Roger as his mom’s date. General Ray also had guards haul the presents down the hill and she assumed far from the castle. She appreciated that.

After about half an hour, Captain Levi returned and he and a handsome young blond guard, a perfect contrast to the captain’s dark locks, escorted them with the family into the castle and up to their suites. Captain Levi stopped on the fourth floor, looking indecisive.

“Go take care of Hope and Faith,” Prince Tristan instructed. “We’ll wait here for you with Lieutenant Mason.”

“We can wait,” Hope rushed to say, not wanting to be put before royalty. These people were more impressive than any dignitary or president.

“We’re fine.” King Nolan smiled kindly and gestured with his hand. “You get settled. We’ll wait for Captain Levi.”

No wonder his children were so amazing. The king himself was willing to wait after almost being blown apart tonight. It hadn’t escaped her notice how the king had helped carry Chad’s mom to the helicopter. She imagined a king would put himself above others, but this one obviously didn’t.

Captain Levi bowed stiffly to the king and crown prince, then escorted Hope and Faith down the hall. He checked their suite before saying goodnight, his gaze lingering on Faith. “Please lock this door behind me.”

“We will,” Hope said.

“Thank you,” Faith called.

He gave her a brief smile before rushing back down the hall, obviously not wanting to keep the royal family waiting.

Hope locked the door and then mechanically went through the motions of changing into a comfortable tank top and shorts, washing her face, and brushing her teeth. If only she could check on Chad. If only she could do something. She loathed waiting and feeling helpless.

When she walked out of the bathroom, Faith was lying in the middle of the huge bed, still in her dress and heels, staring at the television.