Chad reached them, ripped the present from her hands, and pushed her toward the king. “Take care of her, please, sir.”

The king gave him a questioning look but wrapped an arm around his mum to steady her. She crumpled against him and looked as if she was near passing out. King Nolan supported her and nodded to him. “I’ve got her, son.”

The king had always been like an adopted father to him. Chad had dedicated his life to the military and protecting his mum, the king, the August family, and his countrymen. He trusted the king as much as Tristan or Ray, but he was horrified to see his strong, independent mother so helpless.

He needed to help his mum. What if she wasn’t okay? She was the only family he had. He would do anything for her.

The present box in his hands started to tremble. It had to be dealt with, and quick. He had no idea what it was, but if Roger had given it to his mum and somehow drugged her, it couldn’t be anything good. He had an overwhelming desire to get it far away from so many people he cared about.

There was only one option. He sprinted toward the exterior wall that encircled the courtyard, unfortunately having to push some people out of his way. Using the momentum from his sprint and all of his arm strength, he hurled the box out into the abyss of the several-hundred-meter drop to the valley below.

Guests turned to see what he was about, and confused mutters spread through the assembly. The present hadn’t even fallen out of view behind the wall when an explosion ripped through the night. Wedding guests screamed in surprise as the courtyard, the walls of the castle, and the ground shook. Bright light flashed, illuminating the night sky and the castle walls.

As the bomb dimmed and dropped out of sight, loud dings sounded against the exterior wall, like shrapnel embedding themselves into the thick barrier. Thankfully, no shrapnel made it past the wall and into the courtyard. The wedding guests and the king were all safe. Roger Pitcher had planned for that bomb to take out a solitary target, King Nolan. But many—possibly the entire wedding party—would’ve been killed or injured.

Chad blinked against the negative image burned onto his retinas and glanced around at the stunned wedding crowd. The piano music had stopped. Livvy’s hands rested on the keys, her posture straight as ever as she stared at him wide-eyed. Everyone else seemed to stare at him too. His mum was in the king’s arms, and she appeared unconscious. As he watched, the king gently lowered her to the ground.

“General!” Chad hollered, and pointed at his mum. “We need a medic. Steffan!”

Steffan and General Ray both ran for his mum and the king.

“Jensen,” Ray called.

“I’ve got it.” Chief Jensen started calling out orders, securing the area and making sure the danger had passed.

Chad got to his mum a moment after Ray and Steffan did. The king and Ray helped position her on her back as Steffan checked her vitals. Chad had never felt so powerless. He kneeled next to his mum’s head, the king straight across from him. He wanted to touch her and assure himself she was alive, but he didn’t want to interfere with Steffan’s assessment.

A crowd gathered around them. He wondered where Hope was, but he had to focus on his mum right now.

“Pulse is weak. Breathing shallow. Drugged?” Steffan glanced up at him.

“I believe so.”

“Let’s load her into the helo and get her to the hospital.”

Chad was very willing to do that. She had to be okay. She had to be. He, Ray, Steffan, and the king lifted her into their arms and shuffled through the courtyard and toward the garage. It was the easiest entrance and exit through the lower part of the castle and straight to his helipad.

He passed Hope and Faith, who were both staring at him.

“Stay with Captain Levi,” he instructed. “He’ll watch over you. All right then?”

Hope nodded. “We’re fine. Take care of your mom.”

“Captain, get them to their suite and watch over them,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir.”

He nodded his appreciation and hurried through the garage door that Derek was holding. His mum was limp in their arms.

Please, Lord, he begged. Please let her live.

Chapter Nine

Hope stared after Chad as he disappeared. Her mind kept replaying watching him run through the crowd, grab that present, and then chuck it into the night air. He’d protected the entire wedding like some kind of superhero.

Chief Jensen, other policemen, and the military were securing the area. They were efficient and respectful. She’d hire them in an instant.

All the guests were in shock and whispering to each other. Some cast glances at her. Did they think she’d instigated the bomb because she was an outsider or were they simply talking about her connection to Chad?