“Incredible to meet you all,” Faith gushed.

They all waved and smiled. Classy, beautiful, and kind people. Chad was blessed to have friends like these. Hope didn’t have friends besides Faith and her employees. Chad was her most exciting and enticing friend.

If she refused to move past ‘friend’ would she lose him in her life? The thought stabbed at her gut. Lonely and depressing wouldn’t begin to describe her world without Chad.

Chapter Six

Chad directed Hope and Faith gallantly down the long hallway and two more sets of stairs.

“I can’t believe I just met the royal family,” Faith’s voice was out of breath and airy.

“Everyone except Malik, Sophie, and King Nolan,” Chad said. “We will make certain to complete your royal introductions after the ceremony.”


Hope wasn’t nearly as exuberant about it as Faith, but she was enamored with the royals. It was surreal to be in this castle and meeting princes and princesses, being escorted to a royal wedding. She knew how close Chad was to them. It explained his charm and confidence. How could he not be confident being a natural part of a group as impressive as the one they’d just met?

They hurried through a side hallway and out into the spacious courtyard where the wedding would be held. It was a chilly but gorgeous fall afternoon. The wedding area was picture perfect, glowing in the late afternoon sun. All the hard work she’d witnessed earlier had paid off to a mystical wedding setting with an overabundance of floating white and silver in the form of chiffon, gossamer, tulle, and organza. Myriads of different flowers in pots, hanging baskets, centerpieces, and sprays brought in natural and becoming color. The castle and everything else seemed to glow like an ethereal diamond. Hope had never glimpsed anything so magical and otherworldly. She was in a dream.

The groom was already standing next to the pastor, an arch covered in gauzy white satin and flowers behind them, next to a courtyard wall. Prince Malik was a very handsome dark-haired man. He had swarthier skin that any of his brothers besides Prince Steffan but shared the distinctive blue eyes. He shifted from foot to foot, obviously a little nervous, but the confident smile on his face and glint in his blue eyes said otherwise.

Chad saluted the groom, and Prince Malik’s grin grew as he lifted a hand to him. He gave Hope an approving smile that made her feel welcome. Who had trained these royals to be so kind and almost unassuming? She imagined it was King Nolan and the deceased Queen Anne. They must have been the most loving and wonderful parents. She wasn’t jealous but couldn’t relate to wonderful parents or royal blood.

Prince Malik was off-the-charts handsome, but he didn’t hold a candle to Chad’s appeal in Hope’s mind.

“I apologize for the wait, but we will introduce you after the ceremony,” Chad said as he escorted them to their seats.

A classically beautiful lady with shoulder-length blonde hair and Chad’s emerald green eyes stood as they approached her.

“Chad!” she cried out.

He held on to Hope’s hand as he hugged the lady. “Good evening, the most beautiful Mum on earth.”

A man stood next to the lady. He was distinguished looking, average height, with salt and pepper in his beard and hair.

Chad glanced at the man as he released his mother from the hug. His grip on Hope’s hand tightened, and a muscle popped in his jaw.

“Chad. You remember Roger Pitcher. He’s served on several committees with me.”

“I know who he is.” Chad said, not an ounce of his usual charm in his voice, his mouth and shoulders tight. He turned and focused on Hope just as the man extended his hand to shake. “Mum, I’m honored to introduce you to Hope Radisson and her sister Faith. This is my mum, Madeline Prescott.”

Why did he leave out the girlfriend part that time?

“It’s wonderful to meet you, Hope and Faith.” His mom was still warm, though she obviously didn’t appreciate that Roger had to drop his hand and Chad pretended as if he hadn’t seen the gesture. “I’ve heard so much about the both of you.” She focused on Hope, a twinkle now in her emerald eyes. “Especially you, Hope. I look forward to spending time with both of you.”

“Thank you.” Hope felt a stirring in her breast. Chad’s beautiful and accomplished mother had heard so much about them, especially her. She liked that. Madeline was a member of Augustine’s parliament and Hope had wondered if she’d be distant or cold, but she was as warm and kind as the mother Hope had never truly known. She had a nurturing air about her and love radiated from her emerald eyes. Another clear reason why Chad was so confident and accomplished. Where Hope had to claw her way to confidence and success, Chad had love engrained in him that helped create the impressive man he was.

Music began. Chad held on to Hope’s hand as they sat, then he slid his arm around her. It was the most natural thing in the world to cuddle into him and rest her hand on his muscled thigh. He gave her a smile that radiated through her body.

The double doors to the castle opened, and Hope felt like she was in a fairytale as she watched the picture perfect wedding procession glide down the steps. Cameras were of course snapping like mad.

The long staircase was framed by water features and flowers that must’ve been planted this morning or they would’ve frozen in the cold. She should’ve been cold, but with Chad’s arm around her she was warm—sizzling, truly.

Princess Sunny led the way. The child was endearing. She took her role of scattering rose petals and bequeathing kind smiles on her loyal subjects very seriously.

Kiera was next, and then the rest of Prince Malik’s family came down the steps, each powerful, beautiful, and successful in their own right. An extraordinary family. Even if they weren’t the monarchs of this magical kingdom.

The preacher asked that the audience stand, and Prince Malik’s face broke into a huge grin. Hope looked back to the steps and saw future-princess Sophie standing at the top between the king and a smaller man who must’ve been her father. Hope had never seen both dads escort the bride, but she loved it. How lucky Sophie was to have two dads who each beamed proudly and shadowed her protectively as they eased down the huge staircase.