She and Chad walked into the spacious hallway hand in hand. Faith bounced as she walked, and in a rush she started telling Chad all about her hike and the swoony Captain Levi Favor.

“Levi is a great man,” Chad said. “I’d trust him with my mum and the king’s lives, but I told you … You will not date one of my men, and especially not Levi.”

Faith only laughed. “Just because you’re my adopted big brother does not mean you’re the boss of me.”

Hope smiled. She enjoyed their teasing and appreciated that Chad was filling a role Faith desperately needed in her life. Not just a big brother, but almost a surrogate father. After their mom got fed up with the repeated affairs, moved to Costa Rica, and found a man who could be faithful to her, their dad only stayed long enough to sell their home in Oceanside, move them into a small apartment, and set up an account that Grace could access that had enough money to pay the bills and keep them fed until Grace turned eighteen and could get a full-time job. Grace worked long hours at a nearby grocery store but her smart and talented sister wasn’t content. Together they brainstormed their talents and what they were passionate about. They created Lady Fit shortly after Hope’s eighteenth birthday. Hope became a personal trainer and soon had a flourishing clientele. They used that extra money to help them survive while they all built their business.

“I require your expert assistance, beautiful Hope,” Chad said, escorting them down the grand staircase as if they were royalty. Hope felt like a princess in this dress, this castle, and with this man close. “Faith must be protected at all costs from a rough and tumble military man. Correct?”

“I don’t know. Captain Levi sounds pretty dreamy.” She winked at him. If only she could be protected from Chad’s charm, alluring accent, handsome face …

“He’s not,” Chad said flatly. “He’s tough and well-trained and efficient. There is nothing dreamy or swoony or charming about the man.”

Faith laughed as if that was the most hilarious thing she’d ever heard.

A myriad of voices ascended to them as they hit the second floor. They reached the huge open foyer of the castle and ran into the bridesmaids and groomsmen preparing to walk down the exterior castle steps before the bride. Hope’s heart thundered against her chest as she took in prince and princess after prince and princess. Oh my. They were extraordinary human beings—royal, wealthy, gorgeous, radiant, and all smiling with welcome at her and Faith.

“All right then.” Chad grinned as if nothing were amiss and these were his people. They actually were. She’d known that for years, but seeing him in their midst still blew her mind. He was their friend and fit perfectly here.

He pumped his eyebrows at Hope. “Seeing as my royal friends are dominating the grand entrance, perhaps we should exit through a different route.”

Everyone laughed at that.

“I think y’all should parade right out them there front doors like the main attraction,” Princess Aliya said to them in her cute southern accent. “Show off your latest conquest to the world. The press will gobble that juicy bit up.”

His latest conquest. Hope had been caught up in the wonder of this evening and feeling like a princess herself, especially with the way Chad looked at, talked to, and treated her. Now, in the presence of all the fabulous royal family, she felt like just another pretty face. Did everyone have to remind her that Chad was a philanderer?

“Y-You’re … Princess Hattie Ballard,” Faith gasped out, pointing at a gorgeous dark-haired lady.

“Hattie Ballard August,” the lady corrected, grinning. “Pleasure to meet you.”

The woman was infamous for a lot of reasons. She’d associated with famous people the world over and then been framed for murder. Hope was drawn to her confidence. She appeared sassy and friendly at the same time.

“My friends.” Chad gestured around the group of perfect princes and princesses. Hope was always impressed by him, but he fit with this royal group, as accomplished and perfect and charming as any of them. “This is my exquisite girlfriend, Hope Radisson, and her sister Faith. They own Lady Fit, a chain of highly successful fitness centers and retail stores throughout America.”

Hope saw the stunned looks on most of the royal family’s faces. Had Chad ever had a girlfriend? Why did he keep insisting on calling her that?

“I know Faith and Hope!” Princess Kiera called out.

“Yes, you do.” Chad smiled and then pointed to the left. “This is Derek and Ellery, Steffan and Hattie, Curt and Aliya, General Ray and Macey, you know Tristan and Jenn, and this is Sunny.”

Everybody waved hello as they were introduced. It was interesting that the general was the only one Chad gave a title to. General Ray looked very intimidating and tough.

The little girl gave Chad an impertinent look, fluffing her white lace dress. “I am the Princess Sunny of Augustine. You cannot forget that.”

The Augustinian accent on the child was adorable. Sunny was irresistible.

Chad smiled tenderly at the child, and it hit Hope like a ton of bricks. If Chad would’ve secured Sophie Pederson’s heart, this would’ve been his daughter.

“Forgive me, the Princess Sunny. You look superbly beautiful today.”

“Thank you, my friend Chad.” The six-year-old talked like an adult. “Of course I forgive you. You are suberb, super …” she shook her head, “very handsome, and your new girlfriend is very beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Hope said.

“We had better rush through the back staircase and find our seats so you all can proceed with your wedding duties,” Chad said.

“Nice to meet you all,” Hope said.