The call disconnected. Livvy stood on the porch. She watched the police bustle around, searching her house, yard, and garage but finding nothing. They put the dove and note in an evidence bag. Her dad stayed close by her side. He asked some questions, but she had no answers.

A dark gray Volvo sport utility pulled behind the police cars parked on the street. Livvy was speechless as she watched Jensen slide out and stride up the sidewalk. He was dressed more casually than she usually saw him—a gray T-shirt and black joggers. He looked … absolutely incredible, from the intense concern in his dark gaze to the smooth bicep and triceps muscles revealed by that T-shirt. She’d seen the outline of those muscles in the button-down shirt and slacks he usually wore, but to see them exposed … he was fit and mesmerizing.

He pumped up the steps, stopping in front of her and her dad. His gaze never left her face. “Livvy … are you okay?”

“Yes,” she managed, but her voice quivered.

He looked as if he would step forward and take her in his arms. Her body warmed at the thought of it.

“Chief Jensen?” Her dad’s voice was awed and confused at the same time. He stuck his hand out. She’d told her dad before that the chief had stopped by occasionally to check on her and he’d been stunned by Chief Jensen’s dedication to his people. It was obviously a shock to see the chief of police showing up after hours on his daughter’s porch. “We’re … honored. Thank you for coming yourself.”

“Of course.” Jensen shook her dad’s hand then turned back to her. “Livvy is very important to me.”

Livvy jolted. That was bold of him, especially with her dad right here. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from Jensen’s dark gaze.

“Oh,” her dad said, and there was a lot of speculation in the word. She was in for a grilling later. She’d take it to hear she was ‘very important’ to Jensen.

“Sir.” One of the officers waited just inside her front door. “Can we speak inside?”

“Yes, thank you.” Jensen gestured for Livvy and her dad to precede them. Livvy felt his eyes on her back as they walked into her small living room.

“Livvy?” he asked. “Are you comfortable with us sitting down? Sergeant Laramie can share what he’s found. We’ll have some questions for you, and then we can make a plan to go forward from here. To keep you safe and catch the perp.”

“Please.” She gestured to the two decorative chairs. She and her dad sat side by side on the leather couch.

Jensen nodded to the man to proceed. “Sergeant Laramie.”

“We found no evidence of a break-in, sir, and Miss Moser said her alarms did not engage until the power was turned back on. We’ve lifted prints off the breaker box and the door handle leading into the garage from outside. We’ll examine the bird and the note, of course, but …”

“Any criminal who could break in without damaging the locks and bypass her alarms would be wearing gloves, and the prints are probably Livvy’s or her dad’s,” Jensen filled in for him.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Unless …” Jensen leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs, clasping his hands together, and focused on Livvy as if she were the only person in the room. “Did you drive anywhere today, Livvy?”

“Yes. I went to the grocery store.”

“The person could’ve climbed into your car and hidden while you were in the store, or he could’ve snuck into the garage while your door was up.”

Livvy’s eyes widened as she replayed the trip. “I locked my car doors at the store, but my garage is too small to shut the door while the rear hatch of my car is open and I had to make two trips into the house to get all the groceries in.”

Jensen straightened, and he and the officer exchanged a look. “That might explain why the security didn’t go off initially and how he got into the garage without signs of forcible entry.”

Livvy shivered. That man had been waiting in her garage since late afternoon? Had he come into her house? While she was in the bath? She hugged herself for warmth. No. She’d locked the door from the garage into the house, but only the exterior doors had the alarm set on them.

“Have there been any other odd occurrences, notes, or anything else you want to share with us since I saw you at the wedding? Has Ramone bothered you again?” Jensen asked.

“No.” She shook her head. “It’s been quiet and normal.”

“Okay.” He studied her as if waiting for more.

“How have you been since the wedding?” she asked.

“Insanely busy with everything that’s happened with William and Naomi Rindlesbacher,” he said in a very serious tone, his gaze sweeping over her. “If not, I would’ve been here checking in on you.”

Their gazes locked and his dark eyes smoldered at her. His eyelashes and brows framed his eyes so beautifully that she couldn’t swallow past her suddenly dry throat. He would’ve come for her? Simply to check on her and make sure she was safe, or for something more fun like to ask her on a date, take her for a long hike in the mountains where she’d be safe because he would be with her, hold hands and kiss, talk for hours as they snuggled …

Her dad cleared his throat, and she caught a too-interested glance from the officer.