“We’ll study the evidence we’ve found and review anything your cameras may have caught,” Jensen said, suddenly very businesslike. “We need to make a plan for relocation or protective custody.”

“What?” Livvy was stunned back to reality. She did not want to leave her house. This was her safe space. Yet that man had gotten inside her garage. She prayed desperately for help, strength, and insight. The Spirit usually guided her, but she wasn’t hearing any insight or feeling any promptings right now.

“You’re not safe here,” Jensen stated simply.

“You claim Treven is still in prison.” She glared at him, suddenly angry and uncomfortable. She had to be safe here. She just had to be. If not, she might lose the fragile anchor she had to her own sanity and peace of mind. She prayed for help and strength, hoping heaven wasn’t sick of her constant entreaties. “The man didn’t override my security. I made a mistake leaving my garage open. It won’t happen again.”

“Treven is still in prison,” he reaffirmed. “I just had a guard go check and he was asleep in his cell. But we don’t know that the perp didn’t override your security. He most likely slipped into the garage while your door was open, but I’m not a hundred percent on that.”

“Then why did you say it?”

“I think it is probably what happened, but I also thought it would be reassuring for you to have an answer to how he got in.”

“Don’t give me fluff to reassure me,” she yelled, surprising even herself. Livvy wasn’t a yeller, and she especially didn’t want to yell at the man she was enthralled with.

The men all froze. She hated the way Jensen looked at her—as if she were unstable, damaged, volatile, a pity case, as if she’d already lost that thin anchor to her sanity.

If she’d ever built it up in her mind that Jensen was interested in her as a woman, she had been living in a dream world. Those dreams had gotten her through some dreary days, but she could see clearly now. He only saw her as an endangered woman he needed to protect.

Livvy drew in a breath and then stood, clinging to a shard of pride. How far she’d fallen from renowned concert pianist to a criminal’s target who refused to leave her safe space. A safe space that had been invaded. Her neck tightened with fear but she had to be brave.

“Thank you for coming,” she said. “Please let me know the results of the fingerprint testing and if you find the man.” She gave Jensen and the officer a pointed look that she hoped conveyed they were free to go, and she hoped the door did hit Jensen in his finely shaped backside on his way out.

Jensen stood, and the officer followed suit. Thank heavens.

Why, then, was disappointment choking her? He was going to walk away. He’d allow his sergeant to take care of this situation from here on out. Would she see him again? Maybe at Sophie and Prince Malik’s wedding.

“Sir?” the officer questioned. Was he surprised Jensen would take her cue to leave, or questioning what else he needed to do? The last thing she wanted was Jensen walking out her door and knowing he thought of her as a delicate and broken woman. Her dreams of him were shattering one by one. She was sick and tired of being alone. More than anything in the world, she needed Jensen by her side, not showing up occasionally on a professional level.

Yet she had just dismissed him and sentenced herself to solitary confinement all over again.

Jensen strode right up to her and got in her space. Livvy sucked in a breath. He smelled incredible—clean, musky, a fresh pine like the mountains she longed to explore again, and all man.

“Livvy.” His voice was gravelly, low, and still commanding. “I am not leaving you here alone.”

Livvy tipped her head back to stare at him, narrowing her eyes when she wanted to melt at the concern in his dark gaze. The concern wasn’t for her as his love; it was for her as a victim. She hated that word.

“I am not a victim,” she snapped, balling her hands into fists and pushing them against his chest.

Saying those words and standing up to the most impressive and enticing man she knew was empowering and heady.

“I am done being a victim and letting those people terrify me,” she said in a more level tone. “I know how to fight. I know how to use a gun. I will stand up for myself. I will pray hard, and God will help me. I refuse to run from Treven’s pawns.” She punched both fists against his very firm chest to reaffirm her words.

Jensen wrapped his hands around hers and gently held them. His warm touch threatened to break down all her walls. “Livvy,” he said softly. “You are an impressive woman. I love how brave you are, and I can see you’re too strong to let them control you any longer. It’s admirable of you. I’m not trying to discount your ability to defend yourself, but the Rindlesbachers have proven to be resourceful, connected, and underhanded. I only want to keep you safe. I would go to these lengths for anyone in your situation.”

Livvy hadn’t felt brave or strong. Not for a very long time. Right now, she did. Maybe she’d been wrong about how Jensen looked at her. He didn’t see her as a victim. He admired her. Or was he only trying to placate her so she didn’t have a breakdown? If he would go these lengths for anyone, she was definitely just another case to him.

She wanted to prove to Jensen that she wouldn’t cower and play Treven’s victimized obsession. That she was a woman who could stand by Jensen’s side. Would he ever see her as that woman?

The warmth in his dark eyes currently boded well for her.

But she didn’t know that she could ever be a match for a man this powerful and captivating. Accomplished and gorgeous women lined up for Chief Jensen. She’d seen that on social media and firsthand at Prince Derek’s wedding. In her former life, she would’ve confidently dated him. Currently she had to factor in not only how broken she’d become these past years, but also Treven’s threats to hurt anyone she dated.

Would she ever have a chance with Jensen?

Not unless she proved she was brave, strong, independent, and not in Treven’s power any longer. She didn’t know quite how to accomplish all of that, but she tilted her chin up and gave him a sassy and challenging look.

Chapter Five