Just the thought of that monster made her spine prickle with unease. What if Treven got out of prison and come for her like he’d always promised? What if he killed Jensen like he’d threatened to kill any man she dated? He’d had Sophie’s fiancé Jonathon tortured and killed by his lackeys while he was still in prison. Even Treven locked away and his parents on the run was no guarantee of safety. Jensen was tough and brave, but Treven and his family were disgusting and underhanded and always seemed to prevail.

She snuck another glance. Jensen now had a group of women surrounding him. Her heart dropped. Worries about Jensen being tortured like Jonathon didn’t matter. Jensen would stay safe from Treven because he wasn’t interested in Livvy and had far too many women after him already. She wasn’t surprised to see that with her own eyes; the man was irresistible—handsome, confident, accomplished, and fun to tease with. Why wouldn’t women chase him? Disappointment tasted like castor oil coating her mouth and throat. No, worse. Like she’d performed with the Vienna Philharmonic and hit every note wrong.

“I’m happy to cover for her.” Prince Malik pulled Sophie closer. “Anything to be close to this angel.”

Sophie melted against him. Livvy was thrilled for her friend’s happiness. She certainly deserved it after being raped by Treven Rindlesbacher, her fiancé being violently murdered by the man’s henchmen, and raising her darling daughter by herself.

“Sophie and Sunny are both angels,” Livvy agreed, smiling at the little girl. She adored children.

“I am now Princess Sunny,” the child said, tilting her chin regally to Livvy. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Miss Livvy.”

Livvy grinned and bowed to her. “You as well, Princess Sunny.”

“I wasn’t a princess when you saw me last,” Sunny informed her, as if giving her an excuse for forgetting her royal title earlier. “But I am now.”

The adults grinned at each other. Sophie brushed her hair from her face, and Livvy’s eyes widened. She grasped her friend’s left hand.

“I knew you two wouldn’t take long, but wowzers! That is a gorgeous ring. Congrats!”

Prince Malik grinned.

“Malik did well.” Sophie hugged Livvy, then leaned into her fiancé’s side.

“I did,” Prince Malik agreed. “Being blessed with these two in my life.”

Ushers and royal guards were breaking groups up and escorting them to their seats.

“Please, Prince Malik, Miss Pederson, this way,” a beautiful and classy-looking brunette requested.

“Thank you, Arianna,” Prince Malik said.

“Do you have a seat?” Sophie fretted.

“Oh, goodness, don’t worry about me. Go with your handsome and charming fiancé. I’ll sit right here.” Livvy pranced to the closest open seat and sat with the posture that had been drilled into her by every piano teacher since she was four years old.

Prince Malik smiled at her and escorted Sophie in the direction Arianna was asking them to go, seated up front with the rest of the royal family. Jensen settled in the row behind the royal family, next to Major Chad Prescott and his date. Jensen didn’t appear to have a date, but with all the single women flocking to him, he also didn’t appear to have time to come speak to her.

Livvy focused on the beautiful wedding of Prince Derek and the American Ellery Monson. She’d heard from some of her students that certain Augustinians weren’t thrilled with several of the princes marrying not only Americans but women of far lower social standing than them. Livvy thought it was incredible. Love should always win the day, not social status, and Augustine was a beautiful and successful country. They were blessed and should welcome everyone in, not be snotty exclusionists.

She snuck peeks at Jensen throughout the wedding. Several times, their gazes caught and held. Heat flushed through her every time, and she was grateful for her caramel-colored skin that wouldn’t show how he made her blush from one intriguing glance of those dark eyes.

The wedding ended, and Livvy cheered along with everyone else as the gorgeous couple kissed. Family and close friends greeted the couple first. The rest of the crowd was instructed to form a line to greet the couple and then take the glass bridge around front for dinner, with a reception and dancing to follow.

Livvy didn’t know the bride or groom, so she waited for some of the crowd to greet them and then walked around the glass bridge with a group. She did better crossing the glass barrier this time, which was encouraging. Everything would get easier as she kept trying, and the Savior would strengthen her as He used to steady her fingers when she played professionally.

Jensen had disappeared. Was he checking on something for the police or had that redhead from earlier pulled him away?

She forced smiles and responded to greetings from a few people she knew and some she didn’t. Her status as a concert pianist didn’t make her famous, but some people had watched her perform and knew her.

She found her place card for dinner and tried to contribute to the conversation at her table. She sat with a group of American women, members of the American Ninja Warrior circuit that Ellery Monson and Prince Derek had met competing on. The voluptuous redhead was one of them. She was a friendly girl named Shelby, and Livvy was reminded once again that she shouldn’t judge based on her own jealousies. This woman was genuine, fun to talk to, exceptionally fit, and beautiful. If Jensen was interested in her, Livvy could hardly blame him. All the women were friendly and tried to include her in the conversation, but they had a lot in common and she was definitely the outsider.

Jensen was seated with Major Chad and his date, Chad’s mother Madeline Prescott, Lieutenant General Cordon and his wife, and other military personnel or members of parliament like Chad’s mum.

Jensen caught Livvy’s gaze. She lit up all the way through and gave him an inviting smile. His dark eyes sparkled at her, and his appealing lips curved up. The man next to him engaged him in conversation and she refocused on the mango cheesecake she’d chosen for dessert. At least he’d looked at her.

“Can you believe that fine-looking specimen is their chief of police?” Shelby asked, as if she’d noticed Livvy’s gaze. “He was just looking our way. Whew!” She fanned herself. “Makes you want to move to Augustine and break a law and beg to have him interrogate and frisk you.”

Her friends laughed as Livvy stiffened.