The dark-haired, dark-eyed, dark-skinned perfection in a human male form could make her entire body tingle with one look from his intense and beautiful eyes.

What would it feel like if he touched her? Livvy had to lean against the piano as she let that thought percolate.

“Did you like it, Miss Livvy? Did I do all right?”

Her eyes flew open, and she stared down at her student. The upright piano was against the wall in her small living area. She loved to play the baby grand at her parents’ house, but there was no way she could’ve fit one in this space. “Oh, sweet child, it was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. You fought and worked and never gave up. You inspire me, and I am so proud of you.”

“Thank you.” Gabby smiled proudly. As she should. “What are we conquering next?”

Livvy laughed and searched through her stacks of sheet music. Beethoven’s “Piano Concerto Number Five” might be the ticket. She adored this girl, and she would remember today as she walked into that crowded wedding and prayed nobody would whisper, Treven’s coming.

Young Gabby was brave and hard-working with her piano. Livvy would do the same by facing the world again, and she wouldn’t even look over her shoulder for one of the Rindlesbachers to somehow be shadowing her. They were running scared or in prison. That gave her comfort and strength.

Four hours later, she was dressed in her favorite pale blue eyelet dress and in a shuttle traversing the narrow road that ascended to the castle of Augustine. The royal family was impressive, noble, and had made their country flourish. Livvy didn’t know any of the royals personally, but she knew General Raymond was close friends with Chief Jensen, and her good friend Sophie Pederson had loved Prince Malik for years. Sophie and Prince Malik had reconnected at General Raymond’s wedding through a series of crazy and terrifying events, of course involving the devilish William Rindlesbacher. At least the man had been exposed and was in hiding. She’d prefer him in prison.

Sophie and Prince Malik would surely be engaged soon. It made Livvy seriously happy. She wasn’t certain if Sophie was the reason she’d been invited to Prince Derek’s wedding or if Chief Jensen might have had some influence. The beautiful man came to visit her occasionally, checking in to see if Treven’s parents or friends had bothered her. She didn’t think she’d revealed the massive crush she had on him, but maybe he could read it in her eyes. She counted it a blessing every night that he hadn’t committed to one of the many women chasing him.

A royal guard helped her out of the van. She murmured her thanks, clutching her small purse that had been thoroughly searched at the lower gate before she’d been allowed into a transport. It only contained lip gloss, her phone, and some eyeliner in case hers ran when she cried at the wedding. She hadn’t attended many weddings, but she imagined she’d cry happy tears for the couple’s joy and sad tears for the fact she’d never be there. Not unless she agreed to marry the masochist Treven Rindlesbacher or he miraculously got killed.

Now that was a cheery thought.

She teetered on her heels. They took her from five-two to five-five. She needed the confidence boost of a few extra inches today. Years ago, she’d strutted onto stages the world over in formal gowns and heels to perform and hear the crowd’s praise through applause. Currently, she didn’t even wear heels when she forced herself to sneak into the local church for Sunday worship every week, trying to hide amongst the crowd. Her small stature helped her remain incognito, so she’d given up wearing her favorite heels.

Today was special. She was celebrating and wanted to look her very best. What would Chief Jensen think? Would he notice her? Would he come to her? What if he asked her to dance? A warm shiver traced through her at that beautiful thought.

Livvy followed the crowd through the open courtyard. The area was set up with tables, chairs, a dance floor, and flowers decorating or draping anything they could cling to. The wedding guests were directed through a side door and onto a glass walkway. Her eyes widened as she looked down hundreds of feet to the greenery below. She wasn’t afraid of heights, but being exposed like this, she couldn’t help but wonder if one of Treven’s people was nearby and might push her over the railing or if Treven could’ve somehow paid somebody to plant a bomb and hurt the royals and her.

Stomach hopping, she swallowed and focused on the couple walking in front of her. Don’t look down, she begged herself, clinging to the railing with sweaty palms.

Finally clearing the terrifying bridge, she gawked at the beauty of the royal wedding—flowers everywhere, an unreal setting with the towering granite castle on one side and views of the gorgeous mountains and valley as the backdrop. Every part of the scene looked even more beautiful on this early fall day, with the colors of the deciduous trees already changed to vibrant red, orange, and yellows. The stately pines added their deep green to the contrast, and the bright blue lakes throughout the small valley were picture perfect.

Her gaze swept around the wedding party and snagged on the exquisite frame and face of the one and only Chief Jensen Allendale. His dark gray suit fit his lean form perfectly, making her mouth go dry. He was talking to a breathtaking redhead in a low-cut dress.

Drat. Livvy hid away in her house and feasted on each brief visit from Jensen, probably making more of their connection in her own mind due to her lack of interactions with the opposite sex. Especially interactions with the handsome alpha male who was an icon in their beautiful country.

Sadly, he wasn’t a monk. The media loved to show that he dated a lot, but seeing him flirting with her own eyes was a gut punch. She’d envisioned their gazes meeting and him rushing to her side, teasing with and tempting her, and admitting she was the woman he’d been waiting for.

Her shoulders slumped. The reason for conquering her fears and not only leaving her house but facing this huge wedding party now seemed empty. Why had she come? She’d been so stupidly brave. Right now, she just felt stupid.

No! She wasn’t stupid. She was an accomplished woman, or at least she used to be. The fears she’d conquered to get here were worth it, even if Jensen didn’t notice her. This was a huge step for her. She straightened her shoulders, tilted up her chin, and pasted on a smile.

Jensen suddenly looked away from the woman and straight at her. Livvy sucked in a breath as the world around them disappeared. There was only Jensen’s intense dark gaze, the slight smile curving his intriguing lips, and the knowledge that this was the only man in the world who could keep her safe from Treven Rindlesbacher and love her like she’d always fantasized about.

His lips curved in a generous and welcoming smile, and miracle of miracles, he walked around the redhead and started in her direction. Her stomach gave a happy flip-flop and her pulse raced. Were all her dreams about to come true?

Livvy licked her lips and automatically reached for the lip gloss in her clutch. She should meet him halfway, but her legs were too wobbly and she’d probably face-plant in these three-inch heels.

The redhead darted in front of Jensen, pressing her red-painted fingernails against his chest and her tall, well-formed body against him. She was only a few inches shorter than Jensen’s six feet, not over half a foot shorter like Livvy was. With Jensen’s devastatingly dark good looks and the redhead’s beauty, they looked incredible together.

Livvy sucked in a breath of disappointment. Jensen’s gaze looked frustrated, or maybe she was only hoping to see that.

“Livvy!” Sophie Pederson rushed up to her and threw her arms around her neck. “You came! Malik and I were placing bets, and I won.” Her eyes widened and her mouth formed an O. “I mean …”

“What my beautiful sweetheart is trying to say,” Prince Malik said as he shifted Sophie’s daughter Sunny to his left arm and wrapped his right around Sophie. “Is that we’re thrilled you are here to join in my brother’s happy day.”

“Smooth, Prince Malik,” Livvy said drily, dipping into a slight curtsy that he waved off. “No wonder they call you the charming prince. Do you cover up for her all the time?” She grinned at her friend to show there were no hard feelings. Sophie wasn’t a blunt or rude person. It did sting to think of them placing bets on whether she’d show, but she wouldn’t have bet on herself. Only the strength of the Lord and Gabby’s example of perseverance and bravery had brought her teetering on her heels to this moment.

Oh, and an insane desire to see Chief Jensen and somehow show him she wasn’t a cowering victim of Treven’s threats.