Much, much later, she knew they should separate and rest, but there was still so much kissing to give and receive and a lot to talk through. “Can you tell me about everything that’s happened with you and your family since I left?” she asked finally. She was content and safe in his strong arms, but she really wanted to hear about the bombing and how he was dealing with it. Plus the amazing events that had led to him faking an engagement and every one of his brothers finding the loves of their lives.

“We might have to settle for cliff’s note versions, unless you don’t want to sleep tonight.”

“Who needs sleep when you have the Big Bad Wolf, alpha male, crown prince holding you?” She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

He grinned wolfishly, then proceeded to kiss her just like an alpha wolf or crown prince might do. Thankfully he kept things chaste, but he captured her completely.

After far too short of a time, he settled back and started talking. He started with Ray and Macey’s love story, including his fake engagement to Macey and the bombing that scarred his left side. The engagement that had once gouged her apart was fascinating to hear from the true perspective.

Trailing her fingertips across the bumpy, uneven flesh of his jawline and down his neck, she took her time looking at his scars and letting him see they didn’t change who he was to her. She accepted and loved them as they were now part of her love.

“Are you healed?”

“Sure.” He shrugged. “It was miserably painful, but my dad hired the best burn specialists and we got through it.”

“I’m not just talking about your physical healing.” She placed her hand on his heart. “Emotionally.”

He wrinkled his nose at her. “I’m a guy, Jenn. We don’t do emotion.”

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sure that’s mostly true, but it had to be hard to have part of your cheek, jaw, and neck scarred.”

“It got my shoulder, too.” He pulled his collar over so she could glimpse his muscular shoulder and the singed flesh there as well.

Jennifer lightly traced the ridges of the scars on his shoulder with one finger. “I’m so sorry. You’re doing … all right?”

“I can’t claim it wasn’t an adjustment.” He met her gaze steadily. He might be hiding his pain, but he seemed pretty transparent. “Three of the thousands of women chasing me were put off by it.”

“Ah!” she gasped, smacking her palm against his chest. “What a massive ego you have.”

He laughed and cradled her closer. “All the better to impress you with, my dear.”

“I’m not impressed,” she insisted.

He smiled but suddenly got serious. “Jenn, do the scars bother you?”

“No.” She held his gaze. “T, look who you’re talking to. I know and love you so much deeper than what’s here on your skin. I’d still love you if you lost your hair, gained a hundred pounds, or grew a questionable mustache. And besides, I don’t trust any woman who doesn’t like a few good scars … I think they make you even more enticing, more rugged and manly.”

His brows lifted. He pressed her against him and kissed her very, very thoroughly. When he pulled back, he said in a husky voice, “I haven’t liked the scars. They kind of shock me every time I see them, but if you think I’m enticing with the scars, then all the pain was worth it and I’ll love them.”

“I don’t like that they shock you to see them, or that you went through pain.”

“You didn’t cause the pain, and I know you wouldn’t want me to go through it, but you should know, Jenn…” His blue eyes captured her. “I’d go through anything for you.”

She kissed him this time. It was so intense and all-encompassing she was swept away.

Tristan pulled back, and they were both breathing far too quickly. “We’d better ease up on the kissing or go to our own bedrooms.”

She smiled, loving how she affected him, but she wasn’t ready to let him go just yet. “Tell me about each of your brothers’ stories instead. I can’t stand to be away from you.”

He grinned. “No one can blame you for that.”

She laughed, but instead of kissing him like she wanted to, she rested her head on his shoulder and said, “Tell me stories.”

“All right.” He talked through each of his brothers’ adventures while falling in love. All were intriguing and intense, yet romantic and happy. Most of their troubles originated from one disturbed family—the Rindlesbachers.

It was after midnight, and they were still chatting. He wanted to hear everything she’d been up to. It was hard to condense all the volunteer work and friends she’d made into a quick story, and she was tiring quickly. It had been a long and emotional day, and they were going hiking at six.

“You’re exhausted,” Tristan said, cradling her close as he stretched out on the loveseat as best he could. “Let’s rest for a few hours.”