“We could lay on the bed,” she suggested, cuddling into him.

“Absolutely not. You might have enough self-control for that, but I am only masquerading as a crown prince. The Big Bad Wolf would definitely come out and I would kiss you far too intensely if we were snuggled on that bed.”

She smiled—loving that he was so drawn to her, loving how they teased, loving everything about this perfect man. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Cradled close to him, Jennifer felt more content, safe, and loved than she’d been in eight months. Her Big Bad Wolf was back in her life, and he loved her and only her. He’d rescue her parents, keep her safe, and they’d live happily ever after.

Nothing could go wrong now. Not with Tristan back in her life.

Chapter Eleven

The alarm jarred Tristan awake at five-fifty a.m. He somehow silenced the buzzing while not releasing his mesmerizing love, who’d fallen asleep in his arms. He was tangled up with Jennifer on the too-small couch, his arm asleep, his back aching, and all he could think as he looked down at her beautiful face was that he didn’t want to move.

“Time to hike?” she asked blearily, blinking up at him.

He groaned. “Who agreed to this?”

“You. But I love hiking and I’m dying to meet Aliya. It sounded like a fabulous idea until I stayed up kissing and snuggling the Big Bad Wolf all night.”

“You’d better not regret that.”


Tristan wanted to kiss her all over again, but he had morning breath and he needed to get changed and ready to go. Hopefully after their hike to find the ‘cure’ they could snuggle and kiss and talk some more. Would William get suspicious if they hid out in this room where the recording device had been disabled? Who knew how long they’d wait here for William to make a move.

Her parents were still in William’s power, and that cast a pall over everything. He couldn’t imagine anything worse and wanted Henry and Leslie home safe. He could go back to teasing Henry, after he was on his best behavior for long enough to ask for the prime minister’s daughter’s hand in marriage. It was past time he put the two-karat diamond he’d bought for her before she left and his mum’s wedding ring on each of her ring fingers.

Jennifer smiled and disentangled herself, sliding off of him.

“Back to monitoring what we say.” He tilted his head to the hallway.

She nodded. “I’ll go change into hiking clothes and meet you downstairs.”

“All right.” He hated to watch her go, but he hurried to use the bathroom, brush his teeth, and put on a T-shirt, shorts, socks, and trail runners.

Jennifer was waiting for him downstairs with a small pack slung over her shoulder. She handed over a water bottle. “I can’t wait to go on a hike with Curt and Aliya,” she said for the benefit of the microphones, if anybody was listening at six a.m.

“You’ll love Aliya. She’s hilarious.” He escorted her out of the house, and they walked in the predawn dark through the edge of the village and then up the third mountain trail. About a hundred yards up, he saw headlights in the trees. His dad and Lieutenant General Cordon were waiting in a blue and gray Kawasaki Teryx. A red Polaris Razor with two guards was parked behind them.

“No,” he groaned, opening the rear door and helping Jennifer in. “I have to ride in this piece of junk?”

His dad chuckled. “It’s a quick ride in my favorite all-terrain off-road vehicle.”

Philippe smiled, accustomed to their banter about everything—the best off-road vehicle brand and model was a subject they never agreed on.

“Oh my, what a spoiled prince you are,” Jennifer teased as he climbed in the other side and did up the five-point harness.

“All the better for you to have to humble me, my dear.”

“I am fabulous at that.”

“Yes, you are.”

They were back to their teasing and devoted love. All was right in the world, or it soon would be. Tristan was ecstatic and felt more like himself than he had in eight months.

He caught his dad’s pleased smile as they pulled onto the trail. Despite the danger Henry and Leslie were still in, Jennifer back and loving Tristan was definitely something to smile about.