“I don’t think you’re boring.” Sunny snuggled into him, and Tristan appreciated the confidence boost.

He needed to find Jennifer, though. It was past time they talked. The crowd had dissipated and headed around front for dinner. A dozen royal guards, led by Lieutenant General Philippe Cordon and including Major Chad Prescott, Lieutenant Mason Hensen, and Captain Levi Favor, were waiting respectfully to escort them. The family could finally proceed around front. Then he could confront Jennifer.

It wasn’t only that he needed to reconnect with the love of his life. Her father’s disappearance was worrisome. Henry might be in danger now too, unless he really was in league with William. If that were true, all of them were in danger.

He turned to walk to the bridge, but his dad’s voice stopped him.

“Finally, we’re all together,” the king said.

Tristan turned. His dad’s blue eyes were suspiciously bright.

“And Ellery promised not to wreck any irreplaceable supercars today,” Malik teased.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Ellery teased right back. “What are you driving, and can I borrow it for the honeymoon getaway vehicle?”

They all laughed, but then the laughter tapered and they looked to his dad. Even Sunny and Kiera seemed to recognize the significance of the moment.

“I love you all very, very much. You’re each more important to me than hundreds of supercars, than anything in this world,” King Nolan said, his voice thick. He cleared his throat. “The Lord has protected us through some hard times. We’re together now. I pray we can all savor these moments and that each of your marriages will be as happy and filled with love and light as mine was with Anne.” He paused again and looked up to heaven briefly before his gaze swept over his children. “Your mum would be so proud of each of you. I can feel her here with us.”

Tristan fought the sting of tears himself; he missed his mum’s bright light and sweet smile. Ray studied the ground, but Macey poked him in the side. He gave her a soft smile and clasped her hand. Malik pulled Sophie closer to his side. Steffan and Hattie exchanged a loving look. Derek kissed Ellery on her cheek and whispered something in her ear. Tears brightened Kiera’s blue eyes. Curt and Aliya were cuddled together, both looking reflective. Ellery’s mum was in a wheelchair with Aunt Elise standing next to her. Incredible women and already part of the family.

“I wish I could’ve met the queen,” Sunny said, breaking the moment. It was a relief. Tristan hadn’t wanted to be the jokester and make a quip, not this time, but any more seriousness in his life and he might implode.

“She would’ve loved you, darlin’,’ Aliya said. “Right as rain, you’re the cutest little angel on the Lord’s green earth.”

“Thank you, Aunt Princess Aliya.” Sunny blew her a kiss.

Aliya dramatically caught it and held it to her heart.

King Nolan smiled and drew in a breath. “All right. On to eating and celebrating.” He gestured toward the guards and the bridge.

They all fell into step behind Derek and Ellery. The ecstatic newlyweds led the way and whispered sweet nothings to each other as they walked. From the way Ellery was blushing and giggling, maybe it wasn’t ‘nothings’ Derek was whispering.

Tristan wanted that. With Jennifer.

Soon. He’d find her, apologize for ever dating anyone else and hurting her, get some answers about why she’d left with no explanation, and then he’d hold her close.

“T …” His dad’s voice interrupted his daydreaming.

He glanced back, and his dad tilted his head to the side. The message was clear. He needed to speak with him. Even on Derek’s wedding day, after that beautiful family speech, royal business still had to be attended to.

“Excuse me, Princess Sunny.” He handed the little angel off to Malik. “King Papa needs to speak to me.”

“All right.” Sunny waved. “Let’s dance later.”

He chuckled. “I’ll plan on it.”

Tristan eased to the back of his family group, getting a concerned look from Ray and a sympathetic one from Curtis. Curt was more of a mountain man, climber, and explorer than a prince. He only wore a suit on his or a family member’s wedding day and only wore a casual button-down to church.

Tristan, on the other hand, lived in a suit. He liked it—most of the time.

Edging in close to his dad, he hoped it wasn’t anything urgent.

“Have you seen Henry?” his dad questioned in a low voice.

“No,” he admitted, the word sour in his mouth. Where was the prime minister? The only acceptable excuse for his absence was death. Tristan winced and prayed Henry wasn’t in danger. “Do you know what happened with his meeting earlier?”

“No. It was an outside private investigator he’d hired to find Leslie. Ray just informed me that Henry hiked to meet the man in the mountains, but then he loaded into a Polaris Razor with a man in a baseball cap and glasses. They didn’t recognize the man and they weren’t able to follow him on foot. They tracked the Razor for kilometers but lost the trail on the Austrian side of the mountains.”