Tristan’s eyes widened. Henry must’ve known someone was tracking him and planned to effectively ditch them.

They reached the glass bridge and proceeded across. It was a cool effect, looking down a hundred meters to the trees below, their gorgeous valley stretching out beyond that. Kiera grasped the railing with both hands and looked mischievously at the drop-off.

“Don’t even think about it,” their dad called to her.

Macey was closest and grabbed Kiera’s arm. “Don’t worry. She’s not going over that edge unless she takes me and Ray along.”

They all laughed. Ray was probably triple Kiera’s weight, and none of it was fat.

“You don’t think …” Tristan asked his dad in a whisper.

“If Henry or William ruin another of my son’s weddings…”

“They won’t. I won’t let them.” Tristan knew it was an empty promise, but his dad seemed to calm down. Sadly, it would be worse than a ruined wedding day if William and Henry were in cahoots. Henry had access to everything in the castle and the government. He could hurt them in ways William only dreamed about. “Ray has men searching his last known location?”

“Of course.”

Tristan nodded. He needed to tell him …

Derek and Ellery exited the bridge. The open door leading into the courtyard was just ahead.

“Dad,” Tristan began. “I saw Jenn today.”

The king stopped walking and turned to him. “She’s here at the wedding.”

His dad knew Jennifer was at the wedding? Why hadn’t he said anything?

Tristan nodded. He wasn’t afraid of heights, but he didn’t love being on this bridge. Their lives had felt precariously perched over the edge of a cliff and even with all the security, he didn’t want anything to implode.

“I also saw her out running in the mountains,” he said. “I saw her here too. She had a hat and glasses on, and she slipped around the castle with the crowd rather than greeting Derek and Ellery.”

A cheer went up as Derek and Ellery exited the bridge and cleared the door.

“Ray said one of his guards called earlier to clear Jennifer using her dad’s invite to come in. I gave permission, and Ray agreed Jennifer wouldn’t be a threat. I thought the guard meant Jennifer coming in addition to Henry. I can’t imagine why Henry …” His dad’s jaw worked. “Did she tell you anything when you saw her on the trail? The timing of her return can’t be a coincidence.”

“No, it isn’t; and no, she didn’t tell me anything. I’m afraid she and Henry are hiding a lot from us.”

“We need to know what’s going on, T. Especially if Ray’s men can’t find Henry.” His dad met his eyes. “I know she loved you deeply. Gain her trust and get some answers.”

“I’m on it,” Tristan said. Something about the request rankled him. His dad wasn’t saying to do something underhanded, but he had no desire to gain Jennifer’s trust for any other reason than he loved her and wanted her to trust and love him back. Unfortunately, he didn’t know if he could trust her or Henry right now. Whether that was because of their own choices or because they were William’s pawns remained to be seen.

“Dad?” Malik was waiting next to the door to the courtyard. Everyone else was gone.

“Apologies.” His dad smiled brightly, and they both rushed to Malik’s side, finally stepping off the glass bridge.

They strode through the door together, grinning and waving. Cameras flashed. Their countrymen cheered. Everybody loved the king and the crown prince. If only they knew the extent of the load weighing down both of their shoulders.

Thankfully, the attention transferred to the bride and groom as Derek and Ellery stood up at the head table and Derek gestured to everyone.

“Thank you for coming. I can’t properly express my love for Elle, but I’m sure you can all see the worship in my eyes.”

“Ahh,” women in the crowd cooed.

“Thank you for being part of our day. We love each of you and are grateful for the role you’ve had in our lives. I’ll give a more romantic and thorough speech later.” He winked at Ellery.

“You mean later as in the honeymoon or later as in after dinner?” she asked, then blushed instantly.

The crowd laughed and cheered.