“I think I’ll take my chances with the wolf.”

His face broke into an irresistible grin.

They made their way through the party. She didn’t dare touch him. Their mums were already trying to arrange a marriage. Not that she’d be opposed—after she obtained her master’s degree in speech pathology and helped children throughout the world.

Finally, they escaped the ballroom, grinning as they hurried down the hallway, the stairs, and burst outside. Tristan had to charm the guards into letting them take the trail to the forest. Thankfully, the kingdom of Augustine was safe. Jennifer had nothing to fear, especially with Tristan by her side.

He took her hand as they walked along the forest trail. His warm, strong palm against hers and their fingers interlaced warmed her in the cool forest air.

“Jenn,” he said. “Thank you for escaping with me.”

“Gladly.” She risked a glance at him in the dim light of the forest. The sun had gone down, and a full moon filtered through the trees. “It gets a bit stuffy as the prime minister’s daughter. I can’t even imagine being the crown prince.”

“I’ve been prepared for it my entire life, so it usually feels like a second skin, but sometimes it does get overwhelming.” He squeezed her hand. “Few people know or care who I am under that skin. Except my family and Chad and … you. I feel like you know me so well. Like you see past the title and the handsome face and charming façade to the real me.”

Jennifer wanted to tease him about calling himself handsome and charming, but she imagined it did get old. He couldn’t escape to third world countries to help children like she was planning to.

“I know you so well?” she asked, only a little teasing in her voice.

“You do.” His voice went deep and husky. “But I’d love to know you even better.”

A thrill raced through her. Was this happening? Her and Tristan. He was so much more than the crown prince to her.

They walked out into a clearing, where a beautiful waterfall cascaded down a rock wall and into a deep pool below. Jennifer had been here before with him and his brothers, swimming and jumping off the rocks.

“Let’s see how well I know you.” She cocked her head to the side and studied his handsome face. Almost too perfect, but she wouldn’t complain. “If we were playing truth or dare, let’s see if I guess correctly what questions or dares you’d ask of me.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Interesting. Let’s do it.”

“Truth or dare,” she said.


“Okay. You’d ask me if I could only love one man my entire life, who it would be.”

“And?” He was definitely daring her with those blue eyes.

“You,” she admitted.

“Jenn …” His voice got deep and husky, and he edged closer. He was going to kiss her, but she had to tease him just a bit longer.

Dodging away, she said, “Truth or dare.”


She’d dare him to kiss her. Soon.

“Any other boy would dare me to strip out of my dress and jump into the waterfall, but not you.”

“Oh no?” He gave her a smoldering look. “Why not?”

“Because you’re a good Christian and much too classy. You’d just ask me to jump in with you fully clothed.”

“I would,” he admitted. He tugged her toward the ledge. “Ready?”

“Let’s do it.”

“Three. Two. One!”