#4 - The Ninja Prince and the Investigator - Prince Derek August and Ellery Monson - Their wedding is the first few chapters of this book

#5 - The Charming Prince and the Single Mum - Prince Malik August and Sophie Pederson

#6 - The Crown Prince and the Traitor - Crown Prince Tristan August and Jennifer Shule

#7 – The Police Chief and the Musician - Chief Jensen Allendale and Livvy Moser

#8 – The Royal Major and the Personal Trainer - Major Chad Prescott and Hope Radisson

#9 - The Grieving King and the Emissary - King Nolan August and Madeline Prescott (Chad’s Mum)

Christmas in Augustine:

#1 The Royal Captain and the American Businesswoman - Captain Levi Favor and Faith Radisson (Hope’s Sister)

#2 The Royal Guard and the Royal Stylist - Braxton Mueller and Arianna Gunnell

#3 The Impulsive Princess and the Soldier - Princess Kiera and Lieutenant Mason Henson

Other Characters:

William and Naomi Rindlesbacher - On the run

Treven Rindlesbacher - In prison

Henry and Leslie Shule - Prime Minister and his wife, Jennifer’s parents, Leslie is in William and Naomi’s power

Lieutenant General Philippe Cordon

Sunny Pederson - Sophie’s daughter

Holly Monson - Ellery’s mom

Aunt Elise - Ellery’s aunt


12 Years Ago

Jennifer Shule’s stomach gave a happy lurch as Prince Tristan’s blue gaze met hers across the crowded ballroom. He was the crown prince, a serious heartthrob and the greatest catch of the century, according to her friends and the entertainment news writers. She couldn’t claim she disagreed.

He’d flirted with and teased Jennifer since they were young teens. At first she’d been annoyed at being just another target of the crown prince’s famed charm and tried not to get caught up in his allure and hype. As they spent more time together through their parents’ close association, she had seen past his veneer to the real Tristan. There was something in his eyes that only she saw. A depth and vulnerability that tugged at her heart.

Jennifer pretended not to notice as he made his way to her side, but her palms were sweating against the crystal glass of water in her grip. His brothers hadn’t been forced to come to the fancy party tonight. Jennifer looked forward to this fall when she’d be away at college and the humanitarian missions she had planned for every break; then she’d have an excuse to miss these stuffy parties as well. She was finally eighteen and ready to make her way in the world. Her parents were great, and she adored them, but being the prime minister’s only daughter was demanding. She couldn’t imagine the demands on the crown prince.

“Seeing as you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” Tristan said as his elbow brushed hers. “I think it is absolutely necessary for us to escape this ballroom and spend the rest of our lives together.”

“The rest of our lives?” She let herself look at him, lost for a moment in those blue eyes. “Oh my, Mr. Crown Prince, what big plans you have.” For years she’d worn a well-loved, bright-red hooded sweatshirt. He loved to tease that she was Red Riding Hood and he was the Big Bad Wolf.

He chuckled. “All the better to secure your heart with, my dear.”

“Do you …” She swallowed against her dry throat. “Want to secure my heart?”

“Oh yes. As the Big Bad Wolf of Augustine, I think it’s imperative that I teach you all about true love.”

True love? He was still teasing. Right? Tristan was a charming flirt, but he was so much more than that to her. The depth of their conversations, the significant and understanding looks they shared, the way he made her quiver from a simple touch, the way she felt like she was the only one who saw the real Prince Tristan. In her mind, it was certainly true love, but she couldn’t reveal that to him. Not yet.

He tilted his head. “Escape to the forest with the wolf, or stay here pretending to enjoy this party?”