Her parents thanked Chad and headed for the guest room. She wondered how quickly they’d be asleep. If only she could sleep as well, but seeing Malik sounded infinitely better than sleep. He’d be her caffeine pill.

On a date hiking through the mountains as eighteen-year-olds, he’d given her an electrolyte pill with caffeine to energize her. She’d teased that his kisses energized her more.

His kisses would wake her up for sure. She wanted to kiss him and talk with him and then have him hold her while she slept.

Someday soon, I hope you’ll share my last name.

Her body tingled as she remembered that perfect line and the enthralling look in his blue gaze as he’d said it.

“I’ve got to lay her down,” she told Chad.

He nodded. “Do you mind if I wait?”

She was exhausted and didn’t want to go through the relationship clarification right now, but she needed to get it over with. “Yes, please do.”

His charming smile would make thousands of women swoon, but only one charming prince would do for her.

Walking to Sunny’s room, she gently laid her down, slid her daughter’s shoes off, tucked her favorite blanket over her, and kissed her soft cheek.

Her daughter was safe. They were home.

Thank you, Heavenly Father. I can never thank You enough for Your protection tonight.

Warm peace enveloped her. They’d survived because of heavenly help and light and Malik. Somehow, he’d saved everyone, and she hadn’t even had the chance to give him a sweet kiss of gratitude. One would never be enough, but it would be a good start.

Slowly backing out of the room, she closed the door behind her and turned to Chad. He stood and faced her. He was a devastatingly handsome and charming man, but he wasn’t her man.

Sophie took a deep breath and plunged in. “Chad, thank you. You dropped everything last night and proved yourself a hero time and again. I can never thank you enough.”

Chad looked a little embarrassed at her praise, which she rarely saw from him. He caught both of her hands and spoke earnestly. “Beautiful Sophie. I’ve told you before how smitten I am with you. After tonight, I want to beg. Please agree to date me exclusively, to take our relationship to the next level. I want to be there for you and Sunny. I’ve never been so invested in someone, so driven to stay by your side, always.”

Sophie’s stomach squirmed. “Chad … I don’t feel the same.”

“Oh.” For once, it seemed Chad had nothing charming to say. It made her feel awful.

“I’m sorry, but it’s always been Malik for me. We fell in love when we were eighteen, and I only turned away from him to protect him from Treven. I still love him, and even if he doesn’t return my feelings, it wouldn’t be fair to lead you on when Malik stole my heart years ago.”

“Oh,” he repeated. He released her hands and pushed at his hair. “Thank you for being honest with me.”

“Thank you again for all you have done for me and my family.”

“Part of the job.” He gave her a gallant smile.

She walked with him to the front door.

“Once the policemen get everything set up outside, they’ll come in and place some wireless cameras. Jensen will have his men stationed outside around the clock until we know what’s happening with William and Naomi. We can scale back when everyone feels comfortable.”

“Thank you again.”

Chad nodded, and then he gathered her close and simply held her. Sophie appreciated that the hug felt like something a brother would give. Not asking anything. A goodbye hug.

An engine revved into her neighborhood, and then a sleek sports car squealed to a stop. Sophie pulled back slightly to see Malik pop out of the driver’s door and rush up her sidewalk.

Chad was still holding her, also staring at Malik in surprise.

“Sophie, I can’t wait one more minute to tell you,” Malik began.

She pulled out of Chad’s arms and stepped to the edge of the porch. Malik reached the bottom of the steps and stared up at her. His blue eyes lit up her world.