“Pardon me,” Chad said, easing down the three steps.

They faced off, and Sophie feared they’d come to blows as they almost had in Wengen. Would she humiliate Chad by explaining how she loved Malik, or would she prevent a fight?

Malik’s hand darted out, and Sophie was afraid he’d hit Chad.

Chad stiffened.

Sophie didn’t know that she could make it down the steps quick enough to intervene.

“Malik,” she started.

Malik grinned up at her as his hand stopped in front of Chad’s abdomen, splayed to shake.

Sophie relaxed.

Chad shook Malik’s hand, then clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re a great man and she’s a rare angel. Treat her like a princess.”

“I intend to.”

Chad nodded to both of them, strode to the SUV, and was gone.

Sophie studied Malik. He swallowed and murmured, “Great guy.”

Did Malik know he’d won her heart completely? He turned to gaze up at her. Her stomach gave a happy lurch at the intensity and warmth in his blue gaze.

“I love you, Sophie,” he said earnestly. “No lines. Nothing charming.” He smiled softly. “You are the only one who saw past my charm, saw the real me, and loved me still.”

Sophie nodded. She loved every part of him.

“It’s just you and me and Sunny. Me begging you to let me hold, love, and protect you both forever. I never want to be apart again.”

Sophie let out a sigh. Malik. Her Charming Prince. He looked intense, worried, and enticing.

His declaration of love wasn’t some line. It was genuine, heartfelt, and all hers. Just like his heart.

“Even though I asked you to leave me alone, to keep you safe …” She paused and smiled. “I stole your heart six years ago, and I have no intention of ever giving it back.”

Malik opened his arms, and Sophie leaped off the porch steps. He caught her and held her close, then lowered her to her feet and whispered, “Have mercy on my heart, beautiful Sophie. It’s yours, forever and always.”

“It had better be. No man will ever do for me but my charming prince Malik.”

He let out a breath that sounded like relief. “Six years, Soph. That’s how long I’ve waited and longed for you. Now everything I have dreamed about is in my arms.”

“Well, then. What are you waiting for?”

He chuckled and then he complied. Oh, did he comply. Sophie had never been kissed so thoroughly and beautifully. Her charming prince wasn’t just impressive at rescuing her, loving her, and charming her. His kisses were for the history books.

Sophie could hardly wait to be his princess in every way.


Sophie waited next to her picture window, peering through the glass at the quiet street out front and hoping Malik would appear in some sleek sports car or beautiful SUV. Sunny was playing with her prince and princess doll and carrying on a conversation for them.

“Hello, Prince Malik. I’m Princess Sunny.”

“Will you go to the ball with me, most beautiful of princesses?” Sunny made her voice as deep as she could. It mostly sounded scratchy and painful. Too cute.

“Yes, I’d love to go to the ball with you, my charming prince.”