“You’re going to love Augustine.”

“I’m more worried about Augustine loving me,” she admitted, then wished she hadn’t been so transparent.

“Everybody loves you.” His eyes showed he understood how afraid she was. How could he possibly understand? He’d been raised with love, wealth, and noble blood coursing through his veins. “The Brave Boston Beauty.” He smiled. “That name fits you so well.”

That was his name for her. Everybody else called her ‘adorkable.’ A twisted compliment at best.

Derek was far too patient and good to her. If only she could trust a man. This man. But if she let herself fall for him … he’d just said he wanted her to never leave and he wanted her to be an Augustinian. That could never happen.

The plane taxied to a stop. Ellery took a deep breath and said bravely, “Let’s go meet your royal family.”

“They’re going to love you.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Just like I do.”

Ellery couldn’t respond. She could hardly breathe. He hadn’t said those three words, but he might as well have. She’d only heard those words from her mom and aunt. To hear Derek intone that he loved her …

Too much. Too fast. Too overwhelming.

Ellery fumbled with her seat belt. Derek helped her, his hands sure, steady, and warm. She took a few calming breaths and relied on his comfort and calm. Could she trust him to always steady her?

He helped her out of her seat and escorted her to the door of the plane as if she was a princess. Everything was foggy and disjointed, except for Derek. They thanked the pilot and Brenda and followed the ever-vigilant Braxton and Ollie off the airplane.

She gazed at the beautiful mountain peaks surrounding them and the glittering city not far away. A dark gray sport utility vehicle with the distinctive Rolls-Royce grill symbol on the front pulled up across the tarmac. She could imagine most people didn’t have that privileged parking spot. As the handsome prince, Derek’s twin brother—not identical, thank goodness—climbed out of the driver’s seat, she knew these men were not ‘most people.’

Derek’s hand holding hers was the only thing that seemed real. He tugged her forward, his face breaking into a huge smile. “Malik,” he called.

Malik jogged toward them, his face lit up with a happy grin that matched Derek’s. Ellery released Derek’s hand and stepped back as the two men crashed into each other with manly back-thumping hugs and taunts and teases. It was impossible not to smile at how happy they were and how viciously they teased each other.

“I can’t believe you’ve gotten uglier,” Derek said. “How on earth do all the women tolerate that face?”

“It’s rough,” Malik said, his grin huge. “But I explain they could be stuck with my twin brother and then they fall to the ground worshipping me and begging me not to have to endure the likes of you.”

Derek chortled at that, but as they released each other, he quickly stepped back and wrapped his arm around her. It was reassuring, but also … possessive. She’d seen him act similarly around Nash. She secretly liked it, even if she couldn’t admit it.

“There she is.” Malik’s blue eyes were so similar to Derek’s she immediately felt comfortable around him. His beard and hair were darker and there was a sadness that permeated from him, as if he’d lost the Savior’s light in his life. It was the opposite of Derek, who radiated that light. “I’m sorry you had to meet the ugly twin first, but I’m here now to save you from making a huge mistake with a lesser man than I.”

Ellery laughed; she couldn’t help it. His accent was stronger than Derek’s, and he clearly thought he was such a ladies’ man.

Derek’s arm tightened around her, and his jaw looked like it had been carved from granite. She could feel his muscles flexing against her. She loved how possessive he was. She’d never allowed a man close enough to feel something like this.

“Ah, Prince Malik.” She made her voice as saccharin sweet as she could make it. “I know it must be hard knowing your twin brother is not only the top ninja warrior in the world, but he’s the top in every category in my book—best kisser, most handsome, kindest, wittiest, most charming.” She said the last one with lots of emphasis as Prince Malik was touted throughout the world as the Charming Prince.

She gazed up at Derek as if he were her world. He could be. If she’d let him. She should be worried about how impossible it would be to resist him in this alternate reality. Right now, she didn’t care. He stared at her with such admiration in his eyes she found herself going on tiptoes. She was finally going to dump all her insecurities and issues and kiss her prince, the man she had a huge crush on, the man she admired above any other, the man she might be falling in love with.

“Okay, okay, I get it. The most gorgeous and impressive athlete in the world is head over heels for my twin.” Malik gave a grunt of disgust. “It’s bad enough I have to be at the wedding stag and watch Ray and Macey, Curt and Aliya, Steffan and …”

He cleared his throat and broke off. Ellery’s neck tingled, and despite all the emotion swirling around her and Derek, she remembered she was here to protect them from Hattie Ballard. Had Malik been about to admit that Hattie would be at the wedding with Steffan?

“Please don’t make me watch you two be all gooey too.” He straightened his tie. “The charming prince, all alone. Have some pity.”

Derek laughed. “If you’ll promise not to hit on my girlfriend, I’ll think about it.” He winked at Ellery. “We’ll only kiss and be gooey when you’re not around.”

Ellery’s pulse sped up and liquid heat filled her. They hadn’t kissed at all, but she’d been the one to say the mistruth first to Malik. “We’ll see,” she teased.

They both laughed.

Malik gestured to the car. “Pops said I needed a car that fit five, but I didn’t realize you two had packed on fifty pounds of muscle each in the last six months.” Malik shook Braxton and Ollie’s hands, receiving reserved thanks and greetings in return. “I think you two better sit up front and I’ll snuggle with the lovebirds.”

They all strode to the vehicle. Ollie and Braxton loaded the bags in the back. Ellery found herself seated in the middle of the rear bench seat, between two of the most desirable men in the world. What was happening to her? She edged closer to Derek, clinging to the hand he offered.