Derek and Malik highlighted points of interest from Traverse as they drove through the edge of the city and headed south. This valley was wide, lush, and beautiful. They drove into a mountain pass with towering green-covered walls and she was grateful for the large sunroof so she could look out of it or the front windshield without staring at one of the twin princes to view the scenery. She felt like she was in a movie. When would reality crash in?

“I still can’t believe my charming twin couldn’t get a date for the wedding,” Derek teased.

“I wasn’t allowed to bring a date.” Malik splayed his hands and then straightened his tie.

“Why not?” Ellery asked. His comment dragged her gaze from the view. Malik looked a touch uncomfortable. They were hiding Hattie Ballard. She hadn’t thought much about her primary reason for coming to this wedding in the past couple days, and now she needed to focus on it. When she had some information, she should pass it on to Naomi. She and Derek were growing closer all the time. Could she confide in him and pray he’d trust her over his brother’s girlfriend or fiancée or whatever Hattie was to Prince Steffan? She found herself praying the woman really was dead. She didn’t want any harm to come to any of Derek’s family, and she had no clue how to be some investigator or protector of these impressive royals.

“Apparently only those in ‘safe and invested’ relationships are allowed dates to the wedding. At the moment, that is definitely not me. Can you imagine me in a ‘safe and invested’ relationship? Boring. No offense.”

“None taken,” Derek said smoothly. “My Brave Boston Beauty is exciting, definitely not safe.”

Ellery pushed at his shoulder with hers. “That’s because I can take you down.”

“Let’s try that soon.” He gazed deeply into her eyes, and Ellery was lost. They’d been friends for so long, but she’d kept her heart as distant as she could with how alluring and impressive he was. The terrifying thing was it seemed that he was serious about his lines, not just playing a part.

“You’re doing it again,” Malik protested. “Hey, Brax. Are these two always this moony and in love?”

“No, sir,” Braxton said solemnly.

Malik looked at them in confusion. Ellery’s gut churned. Was his brother going to recognize they weren’t in some committed relationship? Would she be banned from the castle and the wedding? Was she playing the part so she could get information to Naomi and protect Derek and his family, or because she wanted their relationship to be real? No time to riddle that one out right now.

“Forgive me for being sappy, brother. I recently moved out of the friend zone.”

“Did you?” Ellery teased. “Maybe you’re still on the fence.”

Malik chuckled at that. “I like how you give him a hard time.”

“I’m still residing in the friend zone?” Derek lifted an eyebrow.

“Nah. I moved you out.” She lowered her voice so only he could hear. “Best move I ever made.”

Derek’s blue eyes lit up, and he leaned down to kiss her. Ellery should care that their first kiss wasn’t going to be somewhere private and romantic. This kingdom shouted beauty and romance. But all she cared about was kissing Derek. Any hang-ups were flung far away.

Malik reached around her and shoved Derek.

Ellery jerked in surprise.

Derek looked ready to punch his brother, but she was in the way.

“Bro, I’ll give you two fats lips later, if that’s what it takes to make you leave off,” Malik warned. “Kiss her when you’re not sitting a foot away from me. It’s bad enough I’m stag this week and have to watch all the other couples smooch all the time.”

Ellery squirmed, embarrassed that she’d lost her mind so quickly. How was she supposed to resist when Derek was close and looking so deeply at her? She glanced out the front window.

The world suddenly fell away around them, and Ellery was transported to a world of such mystical beauty that she gasped and pointed.

“Home,” Derek said reverently.

The valley was sweeping and verdantly green, the most sparkling green she’d ever seen. Towering mountains surrounded it on every side, their green slopes sometimes smooth, sometimes jagged, reaching so high they were gray and blue at the top. Blue lakes dotted the valley’s floor with a large lake stretching behind the picturesque village. The village was too far away to see all the houses or shops, but the perfect church steeple made her feel like she was in a mystical setting hundreds of years in the past. The pinnacle of it all was the grandiose and stately castle perched on the hill above the town.

Ellery stared, trying to take in every beautiful detail as they drove down the mountain and through the valley.

“How long has it been?” Malik asked quietly.

Ellery wasn’t sure what he was asking.

“Since Mum died,” Derek said solemnly.

Ellery sucked in a breath. He hadn’t been home since his mom had died. She knew he’d come to Augustine when Prince Tristan was burned, but he hadn’t come to the castle for some reason. Was he mourning his mom too much?