“No idea, doc.”

“Where do you live?”

She only shrugged.

“Can you tell me where you are right now?”

“Augustine. You told me that, remember?”

He smiled. “Okay. Do you know what day of the week it is?”

Was she lying to him? Why would she do that? The EMTs had told him how she’d fought them so hard they had to sedate her. When he’d said his name, her reaction had been unexpected and intense. Was there some reason she didn’t want to be here, besides hating hospitals? Had one of his brothers dated her and ruined his chances? He was grasping at straws now, since she’d never been in Augustine before yesterday.

“Nope. I know nothing. Now can I go?”

“Please sit, Angelica. Dinner should be coming in soon. You can eat, relax, rest.” Maybe he could get some answers. Thankfully, Jensen would be here before too long.

“I don’t know what hospitals in Augustine are like, but anywhere else in the world, the dinner would be cardboard or rubber and there would be no relaxing or rest happening for this old broad.”

He laughed, wrapping his hands around the ends of his stethoscope. “I pride myself on my hospital food being a cut above the rest, and though the nurses will check on you, it should be quiet and relaxing. Just maybe not the Four Seasons.”

“I think I’m the type of gal who prefers the Four Seasons.”

“I’m sure you are.” He couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. “Hopefully tomorrow we’ll have some answers and be able to get you released and checked into the Four Seasons. It is strange no one has come for you.”

“Very strange.” She gave him a dirty look. “Maybe I’m just obstinate enough that nobody wants me around.”

“I doubt that very much.” He could only imagine the long string of men lining up who would like her far too much, far more than he was comfortable with. A knot of unfamiliar jealousy tightened his gut.

He forced that away and focused on the details of helping her. “I have a friend coming in after he finishes dinner who can help us get some answers. Chief Jensen Allendale is smart and resourceful and?—”

“Jensen!” she shrieked. Then she put her hand to her head and sank down onto the bed. “Side note—don’t go into shock or scream like a banshee when you have a bad headache.”

Steffan was even more confused. He felt he had to act the part of the doctor and detective. He had to figure out why the name Jensen had just set her off worse than his own name had. Had she dated Jensen or one of his brothers and was lying to him about not knowing who she was? Was she a convict, or lying to him for some other reason? All these questions and her either refusing to answer or not knowing the answers wasn’t a great combo.

“Let’s get you into bed.” He schooled himself not to feel anything as he lifted her legs and helped her adjust in the bed, pulling the thin sheet and blanket over her. It didn’t work. He felt plenty of emotions and warmth simply touching her smooth legs and being close to her.

When she was settled, he relaxed and hoped she did too. “Okay. I’m going to have the nurse bring you some dinner and we can get some Tylenol in you for the headache. Are you experiencing pain anywhere else?”

He pushed the button on the edge of her bed to call for the nurse.

“Just achy like I hit a tree or something equally immovable.”

He smiled. “That’ll do it.”

“Yes?” the nurse asked over the speaker.

“This is Dr. Steffan. Can you please send a tray of dinner and Tylenol to Room 234. Thank you.”

“Of course. Be there soon.” The voice was crisp and no-nonsense.

Melanie. One of his married nurses who didn’t have a crush on him. Small blessings.

He pulled off his stethoscope, put the earpieces in, and pressed it against her heart with his left hand. His right automatically went to her back. He’d touched patients’ backs through the thin hospital gown hundreds of times. Why did he feel so aware of how firm and smooth and womanly curved her back was? He pushed those unprofessional thoughts away.

“Can you take a deep breath in?”

She sucked in a loud breath.