“Hello, Prince Steffan,” she purred. No matter how he tried to gently correct, she refused to call him doctor instead of prince. “My shift is almost up. Have you had dinner?”

“I’m not available.” He tried to make his voice firm but kind.

Her shoulders slumped. “Can I do anything for you?”

“Yes, thank you.”

She straightened, and her grin returned. “What do you need, Prince Steffan? Anything, truly. Don’t hesitate to ask.”

Angelica let out a disbelieving guffaw. Steffan glanced at her, fighting to hide a smile.

“I’d like you to find Angelica’s clothes and shoes for her.”

“Who is Angelica?” Shaylie blinked in confusion.

“This is Angelica.” He gestured. “She has amnesia and can’t remember her name.”

“Oh. Jane Doe, you mean?”

Angelica flinched. “Please … Though I seem like a head case and have lost my mind completely, I know that I do not want to be called Jane.”

Steffan smiled. She simply had that spice he liked.

“Thank you, Shaylie. If you could just bring the clothes and shoes to Angelica’s room, that would be great.” He reached above Angelica’s head to push the door open. She gave him a grateful smile and shuffled back into the room, taking care not to let the flap at the back of her gown pop open. He’d seen many unclothed women as a doctor but appreciated her attempt at modesty.

She eased over to the bed, and he shut the door behind him before turning to her. “Would you please sit on the bed so I can check you out?”

Her eyes widened slightly.

“I don’t mean it like that.” His face was suddenly hot. “I mean I’d like to examine you.” He shook his head. “I’m not … forgive me. I’ve never had trouble like this with a patient.”

She stayed standing next to the bed. “Like what, doctor?”

“Well, you can probably tell.” He should bite his tongue, but he found himself admitting, “I find you extremely attractive.”

She blinked up at him and then she said, “Will you get in trouble for hitting on a patient?”

He should have a nurse come in while he examined her. He only wanted to talk to her alone a little longer. “I run the hospital and am one of the royal princes, so unless I did something untoward or that upset you, I doubt I’d get in any trouble.”

“Hmm,” was all she said.

“Have I upset you?”

“No.” She studied him. “I’m sure Nurse Shaylie would agree that flirting with Prince Steffan isn’t too upsetting. Unless he’s ‘not available’ for dinner. But if you need anything, Prince Steffan, anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” She batted her eyelashes and then licked her lips. He knew she was teasing, but both moves were tantalizing when she did them. He could only imagine the force Angelica would be to reckon with if she knew who she was and had her own clothes on.

He smiled and shook his head. “Will you please sit on the bed? You were in a bad accident and unconscious earlier today. I don’t want you to overexert yourself.”

“Well, I just want to get out of here, so we are sadly at odds now.”

He cocked his head. She couldn’t go anywhere. Even if she wanted to leave against medical advice, he was obligated to prevent it due to her altered mental status. Did he need to put a guard at her door to protect her from herself? “Do you have issues with hospitals and the name Jane?”

She flinched. “Yes, I do. Both, actually.”

“Are you remembering something?”

She flinched again and gave him a very practiced smile. Even fake as it was, it was beautiful. “Nope. All a blank slate.” She passed her hand in front of her face.

“Complete amnesia?” He raised his eyebrows. “Let’s start with a couple simple questions. What’s your birthdate?”