Her eyes widened. “She did?”

“Yes. But she understands if you need to take it slow.”

“She does?” Her hand quivered in his.

“She does. We all do.” He looked over her beautiful face. “But Madeline, you need to know … I love you completely, desperately, passionately. I love you today, and I’m going to love you forever. Yes, your kiss transports me to a different world, but this is not just physical or a quick burn. I’m in love with you—mind, body, and soul. I love to debate with, tease with, and learn from you. I love your insights and ideas. I love the way you nurture all our children, especially Kiera, Jenn, and Macey. I love hiking with you, swimming with you, eating every meal with you, and being in meetings with you. You actually make meetings fun and interesting. As each of my children has told me today, you make me happy. I want to spend the rest of my days making you happy.”

“You seem to like a whole lot about me.” Her voice was teasing, but her emerald eyes were tender and warm.

“Oh, I do. The list goes on and on.” He paused. “I know the thought of being queen is overwhelming, and I hate the thought of you being in danger because of me?—”

“Nolan. We were both in danger today because we didn’t wait for our guards.”

“Yes, but I thought you were averse to having guards.”

“It isn’t the most convenient thing, but to be with you, to love you and be loved by you, to be part of your family that I adore, to know that you’re safe … I’ll take a little inconvenience.”

His heart thumped harder. “Are you saying…?”

“I valued my independence, but I value every moment I have with you more. And I realized today that your analogy about love expanding is true. I love each of our children and in-laws with my whole heart, and my love keeps growing.”

He could only smile at her.

“Would you mind very much if I wasn’t a typical queen consort, though?”

“All I care about is that you’re my queen,” he promised her. “What did you have in mind?”

“I want to be part of yours and Tristan’s meetings and take some responsibilities off your plates and run meetings on my own. I don’t want to simply organize banquets, go to women’s lunches, and support you from the sidelines. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I feel like I could do more to help you and our country with my background and experience.”

For a moment, he simply stared at her.

“You don’t like that idea?” she asked, her voice wary.

“Oh, Madeline. I love that idea. Do you realize how much you’ve helped and inspired T and me? Given us a different perspective, fresh eyes, hope? Both of us would be honored to have you working with us every day, and T actually suggested something similar. We want you to be on our team.”

“I want to be on your team, Nolan.” She smiled softly. “I never aspired to be queen, but I will do my best to be your queen. Because all that truly matters to me is that I love the king more than I ever imagined I could love a man.”

Nolan let out a very un-kingly whoop that probably startled the guards and the ducks in the river. Then he swooped her off the cushion and onto his lap and proceeded to kiss her.

They were lost in each other until they were finished with their kissing session. The sun went down, and they were both embarrassed to learn that a platoon of guards had been stationed to watch over them. Nolan apologized to the guards, but they all were as gracious as ever, even if Captain Levi did have a rare twinkle in his eyes.

As they walked out front, Chad and Hope met them.

Chad hugged his mum tight. “Are you all right?”

“Yes.” She beamed up at Nolan. “My king came for me.”

Chad rolled his eyes and looked at Nolan.

“He’s taking me home, Chad,” Madeline said.

Chad looked confused.

“Major Chad Prescott,” Nolan said very seriously. “May I have permission to marry your mum?”

Chad glanced back and forth between them.

Hope nudged him. “Yes,” she whispered. “He makes your mum very happy. She’s sparkling, and you can’t say no to the king.”