
“No?” Nolan glanced down at her. “Where do you want to go, love?”

“Home,” she said, turning in his arms to face him.

“Home?” he repeated, obviously confused. “Madeline, sweetheart, you are home.”

“Your home,” she whispered, staring into his blue, blue eyes.

Nolan’s eyes widened, and then his face split into a grin. He bowed his head and kissed her. He kissed her so thoroughly she was lifted into a haze of happiness.

Together. A team. Madeline was no longer alone. She hadn’t realized what she’d been missing, but Nolan had already shown her love and happiness the likes of which she’d never known existed. She could hardly wait for the next step.

Chapter Fifteen

Nolan savored each moment of the intense kiss with Madeline. Every kiss with her made his brain cloudy and made him feel far removed from the accomplished and with-it king of Augustine. He felt like a twenty-year-old, heady with love and longing to kiss her and never stop.

He finally forced himself to pull back for oxygen and noticed their audience. Well, none of the men were looking at them, but it was obvious they were trying not to. Jensen had a smirky-smile on his lips. Ray appeared far too serious. All their men moved with efficiency, cataloguing the crime scene and trying not to watch their king kiss the future queen.

Future queen? Did he dare hope? She had said she wanted to go home. His home. He wanted to make it hers officially.

“Madeline,” he whispered, gazing down into her emerald eyes. He wrapped an arm around her and ushered her out onto the patio. Four guards had taken up stations to watch over them as the river trail was on the other side of a thick layer of bushes.

“I know you want to go home, but can we talk first? I’m not certain I could drive with all I have to tell you and all I want to hear from you. It’s bursting out of me.”

“The best driver in the kingdom, the mighty king, is worried about his ability to drive?” She pursed her lips and looked him over. “I don’t believe it.”

“Well, love…” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “If you knew what you do to me, you wouldn’t want me driving at all.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Are you saying I was in mortal danger when you hot-rodded through the country?”

He chuckled. “I’d never put you in danger.” His mouth tightened immediately as he realized the inaccuracy of what he’d just said. “Madeline. Because of me, you were attacked this morning and this evening.”

“Stop.” She put a finger to his lips, and he immediately stilled. Her fingertip was warm.

Heat swirled through him. “Why do I need to stop?”

“I can’t think straight when you do that.” She pulled her hand back.

He arched an eyebrow. “See why I shouldn’t drive?”

She smiled. “Well, let’s get this talking out of the way so you can either drive me home or kiss me for a very long time.”

The heat turned into a bonfire. He cradled her close. “Both, please.”

She cuddled into him, and though they weren’t kissing, it was perfect to have her in his arms.

Suddenly, she stiffened and looked up at him with a wary gaze. “Sweet Kiera. I can’t come home with you. We’ve got to give Kiera time to come around. Even if it takes years.” She jutted out her chin, so appealing in her defense of his daughter.

Nolan directed her to the patio set, and they sat side by side. He held on to her hand, and their knees touched as he turned slightly so he could study her beautiful face. “Kiera and Macey had a lot of time to talk this afternoon.”

“I overheard their conversation.” She worried her lip.

“I don’t think you heard all of it. As I walked into the dining room, all Kiera wanted to know was ‘where’s Chad’s mum’?” He smiled softly, and she returned it. “Macey helped her to understand that Anne would want her, and all of us, to be happy. She believes that truth now, and she wants you to be her mum.”

“She does?”

He nodded. “She shoved me out of the room and told me to tell you that she loves you. That all of us love you.” He cocked his head and studied her bright gaze. “She also wanted to know if you would marry us.”