Please help my wandering, faithless soul, he pleaded.
William looked at his watch and gestured to Malik. “Let’s get a countdown for you so you make sure you’re clear before the bomb goes off. I want you alive, at least until you outlive your usefulness. I always reward people I can manipulate.”
Malik could only imagine the plans this man had for all of them. He held up his own watch, tapped it, and scrolled to the timer option.
“Set it for one hour and twenty minutes.”
Malik programmed it in.
“Press start … now.”
Malik pressed start. His stomach sank as he watched the seconds tick away.
“Everyone will be so surprised to see you walk in,” William continued. “I’m sure your father and Prince Tristan want to think the best of you and will be boldly refuting Prime Minister Shule’s claims. Of course they’ll all clam up when you appear—wouldn’t want the traitor to know they’re talking about him. This will be your big moment. You can spin whatever story you want about why you disappeared from the wedding earlier, chasing after a little tart.” He smiled generously.
Malik was chilled clear through and wanted to lash out at William referring to Sophie as a ‘little tart’.
“The Charming Prince,” William continued. “We all know how slick and quick your tongue is. Then all you must do is make sure to leave that bag and get out of the room before time runs out. My men will confirm the hit, watching from outside the windows at the helipad. Then Major Prescott will fly you back here and you can reunite with your lovely chef. Personally, I’ll be on my way to claim my throne and remodel my bombed office. I’d want to upgrade it anyway. And you two can escape and live like fugitives. Ask your brother Steffan and his murderous wife Hattie; they know all about that life.”
Malik had rarely felt hatred in his life. Currently, it oozed from him. Fear was right there too, but the hatred and anger were stronger.
“And don’t even think about warning them. The prime minister has a recording device transmitting to my home office and to a trusted associate employed by CNN, all ready to shout this juicy story to the world tomorrow morning. It’ll be the lead, I promise. Maybe your friend Jensen can learn a lesson on how to properly use a recording device.”
Chad’s eyes widened. “How did you dispose of the recording device that Hattie Ballard was wearing when you killed Franz Wengreen?”
Malik was spun back to the drama with Hattie and Steffan that this man had created.
“I handed the device and the plastic gloves I wore to kill Franz to one of my trusted friends. He easily hid them and disposed of them later.” He smiled wickedly.
Chad and Malik exchanged a glance. Sophie was right that William had allies in the police department or was it someone else who’d been there that night? The scarier thing at the moment was him admitting the truth to them. He planned on them all dying. That much was obvious.
“Any questions?” William asked.
Malik shook his head tightly. He couldn’t even warn his dad or T. If he did think of a way to warn them, Henry might tip off William and then William would kill Sophie and everyone else. He was going to puke.
“You’d better get a move on. It’s almost an hour-long helicopter ride, and that clock is ticking. Wouldn’t want you to blow up yourself instead of the king and crown prince.”
Malik turned. He wanted to say goodbye to Sophie. He wanted to hold her close and reassure her. Especially if he never saw or held her again in this life.
He was met with the wrong end of an assault rifle.
“Move,” the man barked.
“I’ll be back soon,” he told Sophie. “It’ll be all right.”
She stared at him as the man nudged him back toward the kitchen.
“Make the right choice,” she said softly, her dark eyes determined.
What did that mean? He was praying for guidance, but he had no clue what the right choice was. He had no idea how to save everyone, and that was the only right choice. His gut kept churning and churning.
“He has made the right choice,” William said with a pleasant voice and the ugliest look on his face. He walked up and shoved the bag into Malik’s hands. “Give my regards to the king.”
Malik ignored him. He looked at Sophie once more, giving her what he hoped was a reassuring smile, but he was afraid it came out as more of a terrified grimace. “Hold on to my heart for me, will you?”
She did smile then. “Until you request its return.”