Malik was shoved through the kitchen. He clutched the bag with a bomb that would kill his beloved father, oldest brother, and the prime minister unless he thought of a miraculous solution. He was terrified, sick to his stomach, and dizzy from the hit to his head earlier.

How could he possibly be the prince who was supposed to save everyone? Any of his brothers could do a better job. They all had a relationship with heaven above.

He caught one last glance at Sophie’s face as he was manhandled into the garage. She smiled bravely, but the terror in her eyes was as real as the churning in his gut.

Chapter Nine

Sophie’s heart beat high and fast as Malik and then Chad were pushed out the garage door. She hoped her last smile to Malik was encouraging, but she had no idea what her face was doing currently. She felt terribly alone. Without Malik looking so brave and strong, the Charming Prince able to support and flirt with her even in the midst of this nightmare, her legs threatened to give out and she was about to collapse in a puddle of agony.

William turned to her as soon as they were gone. His snake-like smile and the eerily familiar grayish-blue eyes traveled over her face and then her body. She adored every bit of her little girl and had been blessed to not associate the horrific events of Sunny’s conception or who her father was with her daughter at all. It had been a gift from heaven. But thrown in her face like this, it made her unsteady, nauseated, and chilled clear through.

“Incredible the things a man will do for a beautiful woman,” William said.

Sophie hoped Malik understood what she meant by making the right choice. He would never kill the king, the crown prince, and the prime minister. There had to be some other path, some miracle. She’d meant for him to turn it over to God and know the right thing would happen. Whatever that was.

The horror of Sunny, her parents, Lieutenant Mason, and Captain Levi being killed wasn’t something she could dwell on. There had to be some alternative. Some hope. Some path. Some escape.

Please, she pleaded with heaven above. Please inspire and protect Malik. Please protect his family and all of us.

William made a slow circle around her. Sophie held very still, holding her breath and praying he wouldn’t touch her. She’d throw up all over him if he did.

“You are a very beautiful woman for a commoner.” He stopped in front of her, looking disdainfully at her. “No wonder Treven was seduced by you.”

Sophie couldn’t catch a breath. She wanted to scream at him, but she instantly recognized he was trying to manipulate her. She’d turned to God to recover from being a victim of Treven’s depravity. She would not allow this man into her head in any way.

“What? No response?” He trailed his fingertips down the side of her neck. She flinched. His touch was creepier than any spider crawling on her. “I have ways of making you talk.”

Her spine prickled with fear. What if he physically hurt her like his son had? She prayed desperately for help.

He let out a disturbing laugh. She stood as straight as she could, but her body shook.

“Are you only a pretty face and alluring body, or are you smart enough to understand simple logic?”

“I have created a hugely successful business and am one of the top chefs in Europe.” She tilted her chin up, proud of all she’d accomplished and unwilling to cower to him.

“Oh, good.” He grasped her chin in his hand, his grip painful. She refused to cry out. “Then I think you’ll be able to handle the truth.” He leaned closer. His breath reeked of strong alcohol, probably a high-dollar whiskey. She wasn’t sure if it was more disturbing or less that he could hold his liquor so well.

“The truth is, Miss Pederson … none of you will live through the night.” He grinned. His polished, fake-white smile was almost as terrifying as his words. “Your prince will come back after he kills his father, his oldest brother, and the prime minister, and when he runs into the house to rescue you, he’ll trigger multiple bombs that will kill all of you. What a tragedy. If he doesn’t come back, the bombs will be wired for three-forty a.m.” He winked. “I hope he hurries with his errand in Augustine.”

Chills raced down her spine. They needed to find a way to escape and somehow warn Malik.

William shoved her away from him. She stumbled and one of the guards caught her, hauling her close. She dug her fingernails into the flesh of his hands, but he only held her tighter.

“Put them in a suite upstairs, take away all communication devices, and then wire the house. Let’s make it a good fireworks show.” He chuckled. “I love explosives almost as much as I love a good knife.”

The man holding Sophie yanked her toward the stairs. She fell into step because it hurt less, but also because it was a relief to get away from William. She’d known Treven was maniacal and insane in the short time she was forced to listen to his gruesome diatribe about torturing and killing Malik. Apparently, the apple did not fall very far from the tree. William was as horrifying and disturbing and unhinged as his son. She shuddered.

They made it up the stairs, and the guard pushed her into the suite next to where her parents and Sunny were. She couldn’t hear any movement and prayed Sunny was sleeping and her parents were okay. The guard searched the suite but she hadn’t brought any devices with her.

Lieutenant Mason and Captain Levi were shoved in behind her and the door was slammed shut.

“We have to figure a way out of this,” she panted out.

Lieutenant Mason flashed her a brave smile. It was impressive with how battered his face was. “Let’s do it quick so we can somehow help Prince Malik and Major Chad keep the king, the crown prince, and the prime minister safe.”

She appreciated his optimism. “Malik would never hurt any of them.”

“We know,” the lieutenant reassured her, then turned to Captain Levi. “Can you cut me free, please?”