Malik leaned back against the comfortable couch, though he was anything but comfortable. The Rindlesbachers’ schemes paled in comparison to what Sophie had endured, by herself. She’d had Jonathon supporting her for a short time, but then he’d been murdered, and her situation must have been even more heart-wrenching and terrifying. She hadn’t even confided in her own parents. How could she be so strong? Would she let Malik stand by her side now?

His dad, Ray, T, and Jensen were all working to block the Rindlesbachers from succeeding with their plans. Malik would do all he could to help, but his focus had to be protecting Sophie and Sunny. He longed to prove to Sophie that he’d be there for her, now and always.

“So that brings us to now,” Chad said, leaning back and spreading his hands. “I’m skeptical that Naomi Rindlesbacher cares about acquiring a darling granddaughter. We have to look at how kidnapping Sunny could undermine the royal family and help place William on the throne. Oh, and lest we forget, get his loser son out of prison again.”

“Everyone is a pawn to William,” Malik said. “How could he use you and Sunny?” He smoothed his ruined tie as he thought about it. His suit coat was draped over the couch and his shirt and pants were ripped. He was always dressed impeccably; it was something he prided himself on. Right now, he didn’t care. Sophie looked equally rumpled, but she also looked innocent and beautiful and tired. It was after eleven. She needed to rest, but they needed answers too, and to report back to Jensen. Hopefully Ray was happily on his honeymoon and oblivious to the latest Rindlesbacher-induced drama.

Sophie studied Malik and then straightened. “You,” she gasped, her dark eyes wide with horror.

“Me?” He put a hand on his chest. “They’ll try to get to me through you?”

“Yes, exactly. Naomi saw Sunny and realized she had Treven and William’s eye color. They asked Treven about me on their visit to the prison. Treven would’ve revealed how desperately I loved you.” Her cheeks darkened, and his heart thumped faster. “William would’ve easily connected the dots. Treven threatened to hurt and murder you. I kept quiet and got engaged to another man to protect you. They murdered Jonathon to send a message to me. I bet William planned to kidnap Sunny and rely on you and I’s past relationship to get you involved and hurt the royal family in some way.”

Malik wanted to go back to the ‘how desperately I loved you’ part and see if she might still love him, but Chad said, “You may be right. He’d also know Malik’s reputation for championing and protecting women in need and would use that to manipulate him.”

They all fell quiet for a few beats.

Malik looked over Sophie’s beautiful face, meeting her dark gaze. “Thank you for sharing everything with us,” he said.

“Thank you for trusting me as well,” she returned.

They exchanged smiles. The moment slowed down, and Malik wanted to restore everything they’d lost. She could help him heal from losing her, losing his mum, losing his faith. He’d protect and love and serve her.

When Sophie had been in his arms at the reception earlier, he’d felt more like himself than he had in six years and he’d realized heaven did love him. He hadn’t had time to explore that thought, but with this extreme situation and the woman he loved and her daughter in danger, he found himself silently pleading with the good Lord for help.

Chad’s phone rang, interrupting the moment. He was a master at interrupting their moments. Sadly, he was even more masterful at securing women’s hearts. Did Sophie still love Malik, or was she now in love with the suave and impressive Major Chad Prescott? Chad’s suit and everything about him was unrumpled and perfect.

“General Ray?” Chad’s voice was full of an odd combination of respect and frustration as he straightened from the couch. “It is your wedding night,” he scolded. “Sir, I respectfully refuse to speak to you. I will be communicating with Jensen and T on all matters of Augustine security for the next two weeks.” He gave Malik and Sophie a sly grin, then strode off to the kitchen area to verbally spar with Ray.

Malik smiled, grateful Chad was willing to risk his neck and possibly his rank. Only Jensen could put his overbearing general brother in his place like no one but mum and now Macey could do. He’d seen Ray overrule even his dad and T.

He stood and offered his hand to Sophie. “Let’s get you to bed. You’re exhausted.”

“I am,” she admitted, blinking up at him. “Though I have no idea how I’ll sleep with all the worries surrounding us.”

“Chad, Mason, Levi, and I will watch out for you, Sunny, and your parents,” he promised. “And I wouldn’t put it past Ray to be sending an entire platoon our way as they speak.” He tilted his head toward the heated conversation coming from the kitchen. Chad insisting that General Ray focus on his bride. Chad also insisting there was always some drama surfacing in Augustine because of the Rindlesbachers, and Jensen, Chad, T, the king, and Lieutenant General Cordon had it under control. Malik really did like the brave major, when he wasn’t flirting with Sophie.

“Thank you,” she said, all sweetness as she gazed up at him.

He put his hand on her lower back and escorted her toward the stairs. She lifted a hand to Chad. He waved back at them, smiling, but Malik could tell it was tight. Was he frustrated with Ray, or frustrated with Malik getting the chance to walk Sophie to her suite?

Malik and Sophie walked quietly up the stairs and down the wide hallway lined with suites. Lieutenant Mason stood outside her parents’ bedroom door. He eased toward them, nodded respectfully, and murmured, “All quiet, Prince Malik.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant. I’ll escort Sophie to her room then join you and Chad in the main area to set up a patrol schedule so everyone can get some rest tonight.”

“You don’t need to help us patrol, Prince Malik.”

Malik met the kid’s blue gaze. He wasn’t saying Malik wasn’t capable; he was simply so respectful of royalty he didn’t think Malik should help because he was a prince.

“Thank you, but I think we’ll need all of us helping until reinforcements arrive.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“If you’ll just give us a moment.”

“Of course, sir.” Lieutenant Mason nodded, pivoted, and strode to the steps.

Malik turned to Sophie. She leaned against her parents’ door and listened. He watched her. The very fact that he was semi-alone with the woman he’d always loved had his heart speeding up. She’d said some very telling things downstairs, and there was hope building inside him that he hadn’t let himself feel in years.